Big Sandy Rotary Club continues to do great things for the Community

The Big Sandy Rotary Club is gearing up for a great Rotary Banquet this year! This year's theme will be Wild Safari Dreams. The next two months keep the club quite busy with preparations for the banquet. The months of December and January are usually a little calmer, however, the club has been making many donations to give back to our community.

In December, a donation of $1,000 was given to the Big Sandy Food Bank.

In January, we began by giving a donation to the Montana Memory Project, which places copies of high school yearbooks online for public viewing. We have every year accounted for but just a few. 1950 is one of those, so if you have that yearbook, please contact Sheri Moore or Bob Nelson. Your yearbook will return to you unharmed if we can borrow it.

Rotary donated $2,400 to the Big Sandy Senior Center.

Rotary has also purchased patriotic banners to hang on the streetlight poles on Main Street, and we're hoping to get those hung up next week.

Donations were also made to various youth organizations in January. Rotary gave funds to purchase new t-shirts for the Little Pioneer Wrestling club, sponsor money to the high school to send a student to Hugh O'Brien camp this summer, and money for the annual grade school and high school ski trips to purchase meals at McDonalds.

The club is also discussing some big community projects. More information on those and the banquet will come later.

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