CPA presents :The Phat Pack Perform In A Powerhouse Show Of Broadway Tunes

Chouteau County Performing Arts, in partnership with The Grand Union Hotel invite you to share in the music, laughter and dreams, when we present The Phat Pack on February 13th, at 7PM at the Fort Benton Elementary School auditorium. This show is a delight all ages.

Four Broadway Performers join together to sing some of the best music of Broadway, while sharing their personal stories from their individual journeys, in this intimate, funny & entertaining evening of music, laughter & dreams. This extraordinary group of artists met while performing in "PHANTOM: The Las Vegas Spectacular" and together formed their own highly-acclaimed spectacle that continues to thrill audiences everywhere.

The Phat Pack opened in the fall of 2012 in Las Vegas to rave reviews, and standing ovations. The show headlined for almost a year at The Plaza Hotel & Casino in downtown Las Vegas, followed by a highly successful run in the Windows Showroom at Bally's Hotel And Casino, overlooking the world famous Las Vegas Strip.

The Phat Pack brings you music, laughter and dreams. These Broadway performers sing the great music of Broadway, American standards, as well as fun, exciting original comedy material, and share stories from their personal lives and careers. The Phat Pack tips its hat to an era of elegance and entertainment in their own tribute to the entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas. The Phat Pack was voted "Best of Vegas" by the Las Vegas Review Journal "When your dreams choose you, the hope inside your heart will find its way!"

Admission is by CCPA season ticket or $15 at the door the night of the show. Students currently enrolled in school in Chouteau County get free admission. For more info please call 750-2918 or 622-5677. CCPA concerts are presented in part by grants from The Montana Cultural Trust, The Montana Arts Council, WESTAF, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Montana Performing Arts Consortium, The Lippard-Clawiter Foundation and the Leroy and Claris Strand Foundation.

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