City Council Honors Stiles with ceremony

Steve Stiles served as Mayor for four years and needed to resign for health reasons. At the last City Council Meeting the town of Big Sandy presented Steve a plaque of appreciation and a Proclamation.

Town of Big Sandy Proclamation

WHEREAS, Town of Big Sandy Mayor, Stephen Stiles resigned his position due to health issues on November 5, 2017; and

WHEREAS, Mayor Stiles capabilities and dedication to his community have repeatedly been relied upon and recognized by his colleagues, as shown by his personal sacrifice in being available to the citizens of Big Sandy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and

WHEREAS, through his commitment to the Town of Big Sandy he has striven to improve the community.

NOW, THEREFORE I, Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach do hereby recognize Stephen Stiles for his positive impact on the community and its citizens. On behalf of the Town of Big Sandy, I hereby bestow the highest commendation upon Stephen Stiles and sincerest wishes for happiness and good health.

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