Big Sandy Schools hires, Kelly Haaland as the New Superintendent

Kelly Haaland of Melstone High School has accepted a contract to serve as Big Sandy's new school superintendent. When asked why he wanted to move he said, "I just want to move back home."

Kelly grew up in Inverness and still has many relatives in the area. He got interested in teaching while he served in the Army in Germany. Haaland has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology and a Minor in Library. He said, "My greatest accomplishment is my two daughters are teachers now. My first one graduated in Elementary Education with a Reading Endorsement. My second one is a science teacher." He believes that teachers prepping time is the best thing teachers need. He wants teachers to stay around in rural areas, but he understands it's been difficult. "Montana, even though it's rural, it's like a breath of fresh air to me! We take rural life for granted because it's what we are used too. It's what I'm used to." He was Melstone's Superintendent for nine years.

When asked what his biggest strength was as an administrator he said, "my approachability and transparency. My door is always open and I'm willing to talk at any time. I'm in the community a lot." He was the Athletic Director for eight years in Melstone and was at every game. "It shows kids that you want to be there and that you have pride in what they are doing." Concerning transparency, he said "there are no secrets in public education because everyone has a right to know." Answering the question about what is his philosophy concerning staff, he answered, "I give you, (teachers) the power to do

your job. I don't micro manage a person. Let's say you teach PE, I might walk into your class because I want to play dodge ball once in a while. If you invite me to your class, I'll come because I want to learn from you."

Kelly's wife Jody (Wilson) growing up in Big Sandy. She is the granddaughter of Lou and Doris Lawrence, former owners of the Mountaineer, and Jeanne (Lawerence) Nydegger and Tiny Wilson.

Kelly said, "We are both very excited to move to Big Sandy and look forward to being part of the community."

Kelly Haaland will start his new position July 1, 2018 and will live at the Superintendent's house owned by the school.