Northern Ambassadors Trip Nominees for 2019

The Northern Ambassadors of music is an honorable group of students from Montana and North Dakota. These students have been chosen by their directors to attend a grand tour during the summer of 2019. This year Mrs. Robertson has selected a group of students from the Big Sandy band and choir to be nominated for this wonderful opportunity.

This trip is known as the Northern Ambassadors Of Music European Concert Tour and it’s an amazing opportunity for students to learn and connect even more with their musical talents. The tour includes a concert choir, concert band, and a jazz band. Whether a student is a soprano or a clarinet player, they will have amazing directors during the trip that’ll help them become better musicians.

Jenna Leader, Georgia Wortman, Tyler Schwartzbach, Grace Finkie, Jozlyn Bauman, Cassidy Belcourt, Bailey Gasvoda, Audrey Sipler, Hope Gasvoda, Abriana Blanton, Katherine Bold, Everett Works as well as myself have all been nominated for the 2019 European trip. Each of these students have shown great leadership skills, amazing musical talent, and an overall great personality. Being a part of this trip is a great honor and hopefully each of the students know how proud they should be to have been nominated.

The trip will be a total of sixteen days. The students get to visit England, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, and Germany! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The trip is a little over six thousand dollars. The students are planning on working hard to raise the money as well as fundraising. Some of the students are also planning on going to the town’s amazing rotary club for extra help. Hopefully the community can come together and try to help these students raise a portion of the money.

This trip will be a wonderful experience for the students who attend. There has been plenty of successful trips before and it has been proven to be completely safe and fun.