A special Big Sandy School Board meeting was called to order by Chairman Darin Generuex with two other board members present, Brandon Gasvoda and Heather Pleninger along with Big Sandy Superintendent Brad Moore.
Other guests present were Bailey Gasvoda, Student Body President, Mrs. Wolery; Grade School Principle, Melanie Schwarzbach, Teacher Representative and the future Superintendent Mr. Kelly Haaland.
The Activity Director position was discussed at length. Mr. Haaland was asked who he thought would make the ideal Activity Director. He believes it would be somebody in the high school building as they can handle face to face discussion immediately when needed. Kelly Haaland went on to explain all the responsibilities of an Activity Director and why he believed the person needed to be present at all times. Also, he/she would need to know all the ins and outs of athletics including music, flags, and concessions. Kelly Haaland has been the Activity Director for the last eight years. During the discussion Melanie Schwrzbach brought up the Eligibility Policy and asked it to be reviewed before next school year. Mr. Moore recommended Kelly Haaland be hired. Motion was made by Heather second by Brandon, to hire Mr. Haaland as AD. Brandon Gasvoda would like the energy and excitement being expressed locally be brought to Kelly Haaland as quickly as possible.
Other contracts to be discussed were: There is also a Technology Contract to fill. Two proposals were submitted and both proposals were for online support as it isn’t necessary to have them in the building. It can be done all remotely. Brad recommended the board make a counter proposal and run it past legal counsel. A technology committee was formed to help make a counter proposal.
Certified Contracts discussed: A grade school elementary teacher has been found but they are still advertising for a history teacher. An assistant cook and a high school secretary still need to be hired. There has been a lot of interest in the secretary position. Last item to be discuss was the auditorium seats. Not many class C schools have an auditorium like we have, but some of the seats need repairing. Most of the auditorium seats were last upholstered in the 1940’s making them almost 80 years old.
Next meeting will be June 19th.