TEAM themed Vacation Bible School

I loved watching the kids huddle up and give loud cheers for their team leader, Jesus! They jumped up and down in excitement and celebration. You might find this activity at a sports pep rally, but not at church, but this was Christ Lutheran Vacation Bible School. The theme was T.E.A.M.

TEAM was developed around Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Kristie Rutledge said, "God is the coach. We are the team." The T means Team, we not me! E means everyone deserves respect! A means all of us make mistakes, and M means my attitude, my actions matter!

There was 40 kids attending which made all the Christ Lutheran workers really happy, because it was a true ecumenical TEAM approach as there were children from every faith from Big Sandy community particapting. Children were not placed with their own age groups. Teams were created by putting every age into each team automatically creating opportunities for children to help their younger team members as there was 4 years olds up to 6th grade in each team.

All together it took 20 helpers, coach assistants, 10 of those being teens, and lots of parents pitched in too. Food was supplied by the community, but five community members worked in the kitchen preparing treats, which was highly praised by those attending.


Kristie Rutledge and Tracy Rodewald were the TEAM organizers. It takes a lot of work but they were both pleased to be a part of God's Team "planting seeds for faith."

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