Pioneer Spirit, is alive and well at Big Sandy High School

Pioneer Spirit shows up! It was a fun week visiting kids who know what it means to have the Pioneer Spirit supporting them. Football victory brought out the best. Parker and Brock Proulx had a great game as their mother wrote on Facebook, "Last night was a pretty big night for the Proulx Boys! They played football on the same team for the first time since they were 8 & 9 years old. So, I just want to share a little story. I remember when I was pregnant and we found out Parker was going to be a boy. Cory was so happy! He said, "one can be a quarterback and one can be a receiver!" I teased him and said, "what if one wants to be a Cheerleader?" He didn't think I was funny! He had it all perfectly planned out. So, when this play happened last night, my heart was so full. Rich had goosebumps and said, "that's exactly what Cory was hoping for"! I have no doubt that Cory saw this incredible game last night. But gosh, I sure wish I could have seen the smile on his face when our boys had 5 completed passes together!" Parker and Brock both said it was a real fun game to play. Kade Strutz had a good game too, although according to him his kicks "weren't very good" but he clearly knows he kicked it exactly like the coach wanted. The big guy from the other team never got his hands on the ball. When I asked the three who they thought I should be talking to they said "the offensive line. They never got through the line once." Never got to Parker or to Kade. "They are awesome!"

This year's Pioneer Volleyball team has two Seniors, but the core of the team is five juniors Lainey Gregory, Stacey Allderdice, Hope Gasvoda,

Amanda Cline, and Seanna Demontiney. They talked about how Coach Shersteen, said whatever is bothering you outside of school, when you step on that court it just goes away. "You are a team. Attitude is everything." "You have trust in each other." "It was really

fun. It felt so good. I had a real satisfy feeling. Even if we would have lost I think we would have still felt excited because we worked so hard and we had a lot of support from our town." "Lots of cheering and support. It was really comforting. It's really uplifting." "The football boys made a lot of noise and stayed for the whole game. We are going into the next game with mental toughness." They wanted to thank everyone for coming to their games. "it really means a lot. The adrenaline just makes you get better."

One of the traditions is the Booster's Annual Fall Kick Off. And like every community barbeque there was Rob Gregory cooking burgers. He had help, from Ted Pursley. I tried to take a picture but they are experts at avoiding the camera either with steam or hiding behind the barbeque. Hamburgers and hot dogs were fed to all the athletes, but the rest bought their supper to help support the Booster Club. Booster set up it Pioneer wear gear for sale. This year the main color is vintage gold. You'll need to hurry to get yours. And this year we have a Cheer Squad. They were introduced. It will be exciting to have a good cheer team once again. Every Jr. High, (this year it included 6th graders), JV and Varsity football and volleyball players were introduced. The football boys showed us their dance routine that they do before and after every practice and game and then gave us a great rendition of the Big Sandy School Song. Afterwards the mothers played against the high school girls in a game of Powder Puff Football, which the mothers won. Different mom's, one even in a dress, and different girls, would join in on the fun going in and out during the whole game. Fun night of Pioneer spirit.

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