Chouteau County Cancer Support Group has no host lunch

Please join us on Monday, September 24 at 11:30 am at the Wake Cup for no host lunch. Join us for lunch to show your support for this organization that offers information and assistance to all those in Chouteau County who have been diagnosed with cancer. Coming together to share a meal with others who share a common interest builds a sense of community.

In October we will host an informational evening with presenters sharing information on important paperwork everyone should have including Medical and Financial Power of Attorney, financial planning in the case of illness and more. The time and date will be announced.

You can assist our organization simply by notifying a board member with the name of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer so we can offer our services. Friends and family in the community are the source of the information we receive. Without your input we would not know who we need to reach out to.

We continually become aware of needs those with cancer are dealing with. Presently there are several individuals in the county who are having cancer treatments in Great Falls and are in need of transportation for these treatments. It is difficult when you live alone or do not have a family member that can take you. If you would like to help please notify one of the our board members.

Chouteau County Cancer Support Group board members are Connie Jenkins, Karyn Giles, Jody Butler, Lauri Ulrey and Trish Eklund. Contact anyone of us with information or questions.

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