Green Acres

MSU Extension will offer

Fumigant Training Dec. 18 near Havre

Montana State University’s Pesticide Education Program will offer a training to assist applicators in effectively managing pests with phosphine fumigants while using the fumigants safely.

Phosphine gas applicators may attend a fumigant training session on Dec. 18 in Havre. The half-day session will focus on managing rodents with fumigants and managing insects in agricultural structures. Presenters are Stephen Vantassel, Montana Department of Agriculture vertebrate pest specialist, and Cecil Tharp, MSU pesticide education specialist.

Human fatalities prompted the EPA and product registrants to implement new phosphine fumigant restrictions since 2010. Deaths still have occurred in recent years, including one adult in Utah in 2018 and four children in Texas in 2017.

New restrictions include prohibiting all uses of fumigants on single and multi-family residential properties, nursing homes, schools (except athletic fields), day care facilities and hospitals. In addition, new restrictions increase buffer zones to 100 feet for treatment around non-residential buildings that could be occupied by people or animals. Third, new restrictions require completing a fumigant management plan prior to the fumigant application. Additional new restrictions will be covered during the training. Examples of some common products containing aluminum or magnesium phosphide include Fumi-cel, Fumitoxin, Magtoxin, Phostoxin and Weevil-Cide.

The December 18 training in Havre will be held at the Northern Agricultural Research Center, located at 3710 Assiniboine Rd. Cost is $30.

Registration for the training is required by Dec. 12. Participants may register online at or by contacting Amy Bowser at 406-994-5178 or A detailed program agenda is available online at under “2018 Fumigation Training Tour.” For more information, contact Tharp at 406-994-5067 or

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach

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