School Board Hires a New Basketball Coach

At the recent Big Sandy School Board meeting Thomas Dilworth was hired as the Pioneer Girls Varsity Basketball Coach with his assistant as Naomi Terry. Terry will also be the Junior High Girls Basketball Coach.

The Big Sandy High School Student Council approached the School Board about how-to create a functional tennis court. They recognized it as a big project and to completely redo the tennis court it would cost $70,000. There are options, and at this point they are just researching the project. They realize and are hoping to get the community and other organizations to help fund whatever final approach it will take to get the tennis courts open again.

Travis Bauman gave a report on technology at Big Sandy schools. He has set up an online Help Desk where teachers and students can message him that something is not working allowing him to fix the problem quickly on line. It is working well.

Extra duty contracts were also completed. Melanie Schwarzbach science teacher is Student Council Advisor; Jessica Jaramillo K-12 Art teacher is Honor Society Advisor, and Tucker Taylor History Teacher is 7th grade advisor.

Halloween dance was discussed and will be held again this year, but maybe not on the 31st.

They will be creating a new Ag Program Account, separate from other activities and specific to the Ag Program alone. When the Ag Program has a building project and they sell the project the money will fund this account.

There was a request to consider using the school kitchen as a rental. Although the individual requesting the discussion had already found

another kitchen it was still discussed. They will not be renting the kitchen.

They hired a new sub bus driver and Charlie Sipler has been hired as the new transportation director.

Kelly Haaland, Superintendent reported on a School Administrator meeting in Bozeman where they talked about teacher recruitment, school safety, and the legislative session coming up.

On October 12, the board will serve breakfast at the grade school.

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