A fun filled day for everyone at Chili Feed

Also named Spirit Week, it is when the entire town celebrates our heroes the local fire fighters and the kids spend the entire week celebrating the pride of being a Pioneer.

The week's celebration started with five days of spirit! Both schools dressed up each day in spirit gear on Monday it was beach day, Tuesday duo day (sometimes triple day), Wednesday cowboy day, Thursday character day, and Friday was purple and gold day.

The grade school had a contest for a Pioneer motto to be put on a purple tie-dye t-shirts. Taylor Schwenke won the motto contest with Go Pioneers! Be Kind Be Honest Go Fight Win. Calista Worral and her husband James tie-dyed shirts for every student and teacher at the FE Miley Grade School. Sherri Moore was responsible for getting the motto put on the shirts. Every student at the grade school wore their shirts on Friday the day of the chili feed and football game.

Also on Friday there was a full day of spirit and celebration starting with the school board members serving breakfast at the grade school at 7:40. At 9:00 the Elementary had a Fire Drill when the fire department filled the grade school with smoke, not real smoke but it made it difficult to see. The fire alarm went off a little early but some of the students still got to practice leaving the school through the windows during the fire drill. Completely dressed in fireman gear they did talk to the students about what happens when you have a fire. They reminded them that they should replace all the batteries in the fire alarms at home. At 10:00 K-6th grade went down town and decorated the windows of the local businesses. Buddy Day Lunch started at 11:00 when each student was paired with a Jr. High or High School student. After lunch, they went outside to play together and then during the parade they walked together behind the Pep band from the grade school to the high school. A community Pep Rally was held at 12:45. The Punt, Pass, and Kick started at 1:00 and the winners were given their footballs at half time during the football game.

The 63rd Annual Chili Feed and firetruck rides started at 4:00. It was a huge success as the community strongly supports the Volunteer Fire Department. President of the Department is Dave Schwarzbach, Vice President is Colby Baumgam, Secretary is Rob Gregory, and Pete Jerrel is Treasurer. Although we celebrated an entire week it is appropriate to acknowledge each of them here: Chief Larry Ophus, Assistant Chief Tim Bahnmiller, Captains Joe Bahnmiller, Shane Cline, Ty Cline, Lance Cook, Ray Courtnage, Clay Dixon, Russel Dixon, Pete Jerrel, Kenneth Marten, Ted Pursley, Jim Robertson, and Scott Schwarzbach. Fire fighters Colby Baumgam, Adam Butler, Ricky Cook, Shaylee Cook, Tyler Cook, Rod Courtnage, Scott Darlington, Pete Gasvoda, Rob Gregory, Chance Ophus, Garrit Ophus, Mason Ophus, Robin Pearson, Daren Ray, Jim Ray, Joe Robertson, Dave Schwarzbach, Shaud Schwarzbach, Roy Solberg, and Jack Thornton.

Larry Ophus didn't have the final numbers but said it looked like they did better than they did last year. It is a 63-year annual celebration tradition that brings people home!

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