Exciting Beginnings with FFA and New Leadership

Recently in Malta the FFA attended their first FFA fall district contest. They participated in range science and livestock judging. Out of 10 teams and with 45 students in range science Big Sandy's FFA chapter won first place. Katherine Bold won first place, Grace Finke placed 4th, Kassidy Pursley placed 5th, Stacey Allderdice placed 6th and Brady Pleninger placed 7th. The junior livestock team placed eighth. Mattie Gasvoda was the highest individual from Big Sandy placing 23rd. Senior livestock team placed ninth with Faith Gasvoda leading the team placing 7th.

The FFA held a barbeque to start the new year. Parents and interested parties attended the barbeque and found it easy to express how much they liked FFA.

"It is the whole picture of agriculture in the class room."

"It is the pure engagement of the students so that they can experience agriculture." They are hoping it will encourage involvement. " FFA teaching our kids farming, ranching and agribusiness."

"OH goodness, FFA is so important. It teaches you really practical skills. It teaches you hands on things which will allow you to go out and do them. It teaches leadership skills. It acknowledges what contributions agriculture makes in the community. It's so important. I am so passionate about it."

"The classes are so important. Even for our nation. It's about feeding. It's important to remember where our food comes from."

There are three circles of learning in the Agriculture Education: The class room instruction, Worked based learning, and FFA involvement. There are five different courses: for students 7th and 8th Grade Ag. For one semester, AG L-Freshman; Ag II-Sophomore; AG III-Junior, AG IV-Senior

FFA no longer means Future Farmers of America. Agriculture learning, if you can call it that, is more than just for those who want to be in agriculture. It really does teach practical skills as well. For it isn't just about cattle or grain. It's about agribusiness like wiring, plumbing, engine repair, and construction. Yes, it's also about conservation and understanding how plants and animals affect the soil.

One dad remembers what he learned most from FFA when he was a kid was, "It teaches morals and values, and teamwork" FFA Motto is Learning to do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, and Living to Serve

An 87-year-old retired farmer attended the barbeque. When I asked him why FFA was important he said, "It's important because of the skills it teaches. I still have my jacket, it doesn't fit me anymore, but I still have it." He has been a strong supporter of FFA for 73 years!

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