Green Acres

Paraquat mitigation measures approved by EPA

Information for this article came from Cecil Tharp, MSU Pesticide Education Specialist. The complete article is located at

The active ingredient paraquat (i.e. dichloride salt of paraquat, ortho paraquat CL, paraquat dichloride) was first registered in 1964 for weed control and crop desiccation and is widely used across Montana; however, it is categorized as highly toxic through all routes of exposure by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where as little as one sip can be lethal with no known antidote. These products have been under scrutiny due to many human poisonings through the accidental or intentional ingestion of paraquat. The EPA has announced its final decision regarding proposed mitigation measures for paraquat in an effort to decrease future poisonings. This decision will soon impact all pesticide applicators using paraquat products. Common paraquat products include Blanco®, Bonedry®, Cyclone SL 2.0®, Devour®, Firestorm®, Gramoxone SL 2.0®, Helmquat 3SL®, Para-Shot 3.0®, Paraquat Concentrate®, and Willowwood Paraquat 3 SL®.

EPA has ordered four new measures for 2019. The major concern for Chouteau

County producers is the measure requiring targeted training materials for paraquat users. The Environmental Protection Agency is requiring all applicators who handle paraquat to take an EPA-approved paraquat training program when indicated on the new product label. EPA-approved paraquat training programs must provide information on: (1) paraquat toxicity; (2) a summary of the new label requirements; (3) consequences and examples of misuse of paraquat; (4) how to apply paraquat; (5) what to do in case of accidental exposure, and (6) appropriate handling, storage, disposal, and personal protective equipment requirements and instructions. The paraquat training program will be available via an internet link included on all paraquat end-use labels. All persons handling paraquat are expected to take the training every three years and retain documentation of successful completion.

Another measure is restricting the use of all paraquat products to private and commercial applicators only. Paraquat products are only to be used or handled by private and commercial applicators who have met competency standards established by states, tribes, and federal agencies. They are not to be used by uncertified individuals working under the supervision of a certified applicator.

Additional paraquat information can be found on the EPA website or see the EPA Paraquat Mitigation Decision and Amendments. Contact the paraquat product registrant for more information on available trainings and exact implementation timeline. For additional paraquat regulatory information contact a Montana Department of Agriculture field agent or Cecil Tharp, MSU Pesticide Education Specialist (406-994-5067; with general paraquat questions.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.