Belize Christmas Stroll activities!

All the kids are very excited about the Belize Ecology trip. So far there have been two fundraisers for the kids. The cookie dough sales, which went amazing, and the pie and ice cream sale at the home volleyball game. The parents are now working really hard to organize future fundraisers to make sure all the kids are able to go on this amazing trip.

December first is this year’s annual Christmas Stroll! The town is super excited and getting ready to open up booths and participate in the parade. The kids participating in the Belize Ecology trip are planning on opening up lots of booths all over town to raise money.

The booths are going to include face painting, roasted nuts being sold, gift wrapping, and raffle tickets being sold. The raffle tickets will be sold during the Christmas Stroll for a Yeti cooler and then the winner will be announced at last home basketball game.

For the gift wrapping, if anyone would like their gifts wrapped after the stroll, they’ll just need to contact Annie Baumann at 390-3618 or Cecilia Bjornestad at 399-1785. All the booths will be open during the stroll and the kids and parents will be running them cheerfully!

The kids are starting to save up more and more as the final deadlines for the Belize Ecology trip are coming up soon. All the kids made their first payment of two hundred and fifty dollars a couple months ago.

Now they have a payment of seven hundred and fifty dollars coming up. Then finalizing the entire amount after New Years. There are plenty of kids who are getting jobs to save up for the trip as well. Hopefully, all the kids can save up enough to go on this trip and have an amazing experience this summer!

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