Hope Gasvoda gets one step closer to her Dream

Her trip was everything she wanted it to be. She learned a lot of things and meet a lot of people. A lot of people she met changed their minds, but she didn't! She wants to be a Forensic Pathologist. Passions sometimes start young and going to the Medicine and Health Care Summit only intensified her goal.

During the Summit, there was a lengthy discussion of career exploration concerning medical career fields. There was also lengthy discussion about medical ethics including the Hippocratic oath. It was interesting looking at the nine principles of medical ethics. They moved on to controversial medical issues: Stem Cell Debate; Vaccination; The right to Health Care; Euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. It is clear to Hope that she will need to stay on top of her studies, because one of the assignments at the summit was the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Think about that kind of fun during a summer camp, or summit. She also took CPR and First Aid classes while she as there. She mentioned to me that she, "really liked the suture workshop". From there she actually went on to discuss patient encounters and how to respond to a patient. According to her logbook, which she allowed me to look at, she got a "great job!" during the patient interviewing exercise. At which point they were introduced to experts in various fields including those doing research and computer programming. Then, if that wasn't enough, they actual did six practice case studies.

She toured the University of Maryland, the National Museum of Health and Medicine and a number of Washington DC monuments. It was a wonderful ending to a stimulating summit.

Hope is a Junior this year and still doesn't know where she will be going to school. A Forensic Pathologist is a medical degree so where there is a medical school that is where she will go.

One of the quotes in her Summit Book was, "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" Eleanor Roosevelt. Another was, "Earn your leadership every day," Michael Jordan and Marianne Williamson said, "in every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do." Quotes Hope embodies