Santa Letter

Mary’s Little Lamb Daycare

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Georgia. I am 3 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were share my blanket with Hudson and let Lauri in my room kind of. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a Spirit Horse with Lucky and Pru with a Chica Linda Horse.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Georgia Silvan

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Luke. I am 3 years old. This year I’ve been an absolute Angel! The nicest things I did this year were share my toys, I went potty in the toilet at home and used my listening ears. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a spaceship, Star Wars Legos and Star Wars Skis.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Luke Weaver

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Waylon. I am 2 years old. This year I’ve been kind of naughty but I can explain! The nicest things I did this year were that I helped clean up and drove in the combine. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a T Rex Dinosaur, some trucks and a horse.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Waylon Myers

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Hilti. I am 2 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were put smiles on people’s faces at the medical center, helped feed cows and I helped my mom clean all the time. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a unicorn, kitchen set with dishes and food to go with it and lots and lots of play-doh!

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Hilti Griffith

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Jaxon. I am 2 years old. This year I’ve been an absolute angel! The nicest things I did this year were sleeping through the night and I learned how to talk so I could say I love you to Mom and Dad. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a guitar, a farm set and lots of books.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Jaxon Kulbeck

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Alyssa. I am 2 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were becoming a big sister and loving my new baby sister. I also used my manners. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a baby stroller, a play kitchen and a doctor’s kit.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Alyssa Robertson

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Katelyn. I am 9 months old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were giggle and be a good baby. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are toys that I can chew on, a toy that plays music and hair bows because you can never have too many bows!

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Katelyn Robertson

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Noah. I am 1 year old. This year I’ve been kind of naughty but I can explain! The nicest things I did this year were sharing my toys and always eating my food. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a truck, a train set and a football.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Noah Simpson

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Knox. I am 1 year old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were sharing with my brother and helping clean up the toys. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a truck, some books and a basketball.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Knox Simpson

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Holden. I am 3 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I have done this year were cleaning my room and sharing. If something is special to me, I share it. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a phone that has my name on it, to be able to share my germs and to get a sleeping bag I could share.

Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve!

Love, Ga Ga George Washington aka Holden Janssen


Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Alexa. I am 6 years old. I have 1 sister and 1 brother. I have been good this year. I listen to my Mommy and Daddy. Last year I got a sticky ball and 2 barbie dolls. This year I want Barbie dolls and a house for them. I also want $9 and some make up. My sister wants a LOL doll, my mommy wants a pretty dress and high heels, my dad wants a hat and my brother wants a Mickey Mouse doll. I will leave you out some cookies.

From Alexa Boyd

Dear Santa,

I have been kinda good this year I like to play outside. I have 1 brother and 3 sisters. I like the yellow truck I got last year. I want 2 remote control trucks and a lego set. I want to get my brother and pair of basketball shoes, my sisters baby dolls, and a couch for the whole family. I will leave reindeer food for you.

From Julian Demontiney

Dear Santa,

I have been pretty good this year. I have been listening to the teachers.

I am 5 years old and I have 1 brother and 1 sister. Thank you for my hamster and cage from last year. The 3 things I want is a tablet, a kitten, and someplay dough. I want to get my mamma a Christmas tree star. I will try to leave out milk and cookies, and some carrots for they reindeer.

From Gabby Cox

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been helping my family clean. I am 5 years old. I have 1 little brother and 3 older sisters. My family is my mom and dad. I thank you for the RC truck last year. I would like a singing pig this year. I will leave milk and cookies in a stocking for you this year. I would like blocks and an RC car and a cowboy hat.

From Paezlee Heppner

Dear Santa,

My name is Cassia, I am 6 years old. This year I’ve been good by helping my mom do laundry. Thank you for my alligator toy that I got last year. This year I would like make up and LOL dolls. I am getting toys for my friends. I will leave carrots, milk and cookies for you and the reindeer.

From Cassia Butler

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been listening to my mom. I like video games. I am 6 years old. My family is good. I have 2 brothers. I like my Hot Rod that I got last year for Christmas. I would like Hot Wheels, 100 ropesand a phone. I would like to get my family video games. I am going to leave milk, cookies, and reindeer food for you.

From Connor Echols

Dear Santa,

My name is Tristen, I ham six years old and I live in Big Sandy, I have two brothers. I like your gifts from last year. They were great. The three things I would like for Christmas are, Lego set, Bobcats blanket, and a video game and a thing I would like to get for my mom is earrings. Can you also get my friend James a present?

From Tristen Cox

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been playing with toys, and I am 5 years old. I have a mom named Sadie, and dad named Peter, and a brother named Crockett. I liked the gifts I got last year. This year I would like a Ben 10 set, Black Panther claws, and Mickey Mouse Lego set. I want my family to have lots of gifts. I will leave milk and cookies for you, and carrots for your reindeer.

From, Kanin Sura

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year by helping my sister pick weeds. I am 5 years old and I have one brother and one sister. I like the last years gifts that were the lights on my wall and my green candy cane.

The three things I really want this year is a kitten, a Barbie doll, and a hatchamal. What I want to give my family is tools for my dad, mom a bible, brother candy, and sister a bible. I also want to give my friend a hatchamal.

I will also give you milk and cookies and reindeer food. I also want you to have a safe flight.

Love Kennedy Keane

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been picking up my toys this year. I like jumping on my trampoline and I like playing with my cat. I am 5 years old and I have 2 sisters, they don’t want anything. So I would like for Christmas a LOL baby doll and LOL pet and a boy dog. I would leave milk and cookies and reindeer for Santa.

From Ashlynn Gasvoda

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year I like to play with my brothers and sisters. I am 5 years old. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I really liked what you got me last year, but this year I want a piano, my own Christmas, and an American girl doll. I would also like for you to get my Grandma flowers, and also can you get my class stuff because they are all my friends. I will also leave cookies and milk and carrots for your reindeer.

From Piper Gravelle

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year . I am 5 years old and I have 1 sister. I liked my gifts last year. I would like a Hot Wheels track, a toy cat. I would like to get my dad a bike, my mom a sun hat, my sister a toy and my cat a toy mouse. I will leave milk nad cookies out for you.

From Kira Hoffman

Dear Santa,

I have been kinda good this year. I have like to stay home and play with Legos. I am 5 and have a sister and brother, and a pet cat.I like the three in one Lego set that I got last year. I would like 3 more Lego sets. I want to get more ornaments for my family. I will leave you milk and cookies.

From Cameron Janssen

Dear Santa,

My name is Oliva and I am 5 years old. I was good and naughty. I was listening to my mom and dad and teacher. I was thankful for my picnic basket and bear bag from last Christmas. I would like for Christmas this year is a LOL doll, play dough set, fancy dress and brother wants cows and trailer, mom wants dress daddy a hat and I would not give Santa or the reindeer milk or food.

From Oliva Sura

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I like to play with my toys and IPad. I have one brother. I really liked my gift last year. For this year I would like Hot Wheel cars, a Hot Wheel tracks, and a Nerf gun. I would like to buy my dad a chainsaw, I would buy my mom a arts and crafts. For my brother, I would buy candy for him. I forgot to tell you I am 5 years old. I would love to leave milk and cookies out for you. Just in case your reindeer are hungery I will leave carrots out for them.

From Mason Henry

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have been playing video games. I like my mom. I am 6 years old, my family is nice and I have 2 sisters. Thank you for my gifts last year. I would like a snow board, a Santa toy, and a bike with flames. I would like for my family to have toys this year. I will leave carrots and milk and cookies for you.

From Isaac Goodman

Dear Santa,

My name is Rilynn. I have been good. I am 6 years old. I have 1 brother. Thank you for my baby alive for Christmas. I would like a kitten, puppy dog, Legos, Barbie camper. I will leave milk and cookies and carrots.

From Rilynn

!st Grade

Dear Santa,

I want Lego Star Wars

From Hardy

Dear Santa,

I would want my mom to be happy and my dad.

From Davy

Dear Santa,

Can I pleas have a hover board and Rudoph toy and have galssesa and big LOL and LOL pet and a paella and a stand and moms glasss and a sadtar and toys to wrap and a toy farcey, and a toy fly off you r hand and a toy cup and under pants pleses Santa, toy piano.

From Eden

Dear Santa,

I like every things ro toys you give me every year every Christmas. It gaves me a smile from all of the presents you gave me. Merry Chrsitmas, Santa.

From, Marie

Dear Santa,

I want something for my whole class.

From Liam

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me an X-Box and toys.

From Jairico

Dear Santa,

Will you have some more?

From Cassie

Dear Santa,

I wish for a coloring kit, and a squirt gun and rudoplh.

From James

Dear Santa,

I like you. I want the Lego City diner, and the Lego City please station, Jerastic World Lock woods Est. Lego City Detectine Office.

From Levon

Dear Santa,

Coul I have a new toy cat, this time robot, make is small cute and awesome. Thank you Santa.

From Filly

Dear Santa,

I would like a polaroid camera, a fuzzy wobble, and a pogo stick, last but notleast I would like my won reindeer.

From Kasey

2nd Grade

Dear Santa,

I have been good in school. Can you please give me a Lamborghini egoista model car? I would also like an Xbox 1, a new ford GT Model car, A golden palace with real gold and 100 million dollars. I hope you are real Santa! Thank you.

From, Walter

Dear Santa,

How are you at the North Pole? How’s Rudolph? He is one of my favorit reindeer! If you are allergic to cats then don’t go down the stairs. For this Christmas my Amarican doll would like a pet horse that is white and I would like a Mincraft Steve.

From, Marquell

Dear Santa,

I want to know how is Rudolph? I would like a Hot Wheels and make sure it is tiny size please. I also want a star fighter in Legos. And a Skywalker toy and a Nerfgun. Please and thank you.

From Gabe

Dear Santa,

How’s it going? Say Hi to Rudolph and all the other reindeer. I’ve been extra good this year. I want a mega nerf gun and a Ipad and a speaker and a nice pare of Jordenlls. Thank you.

From Henry

Dear Santa,

How are things doing in the North Pole? I hope your reindeers will have a Merry Christmas. Is Mrs. Claus doing ok? I have been good. Can you plaes me a telescope? Thank you.

From, London

Dear Santa,

I would like a medium Hatchimal and a horse for Chrsitmas.

How are the reindeer doing? Have a jolly Christmas! I have been good this year. Thank you.

From, Abbey

Dear Santa,

How are you and your reindeer doing? Hope your having a awesome Chrsitmas! Is Mrs. Claus making good cookies? I have been really good this year. Can you get me Goosebumps books please. I want Vampires Breath, Say Cheese and Die, Deep Trouble.

Thank you.

From, Adysun

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, are you having a Merry day? All I want for Christmas is a scope for my gun and a robot set. How is it up there, are the elves working hard? Oh yeah, I would also like an elf and reindeer.

From Ridge

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good flight. I also hope you get some good cookies. Now I have a question for you, are all the reindeer girls? Is Rudolph a girl? I’ve kinda been good this year. I really want a mini drone copter please. I hope Snowflake is sending good reports.

From Lauri

Dear Santa,

How are the elves? Is everything as planned? I’ve been good this year. I would like a buggy to hold my doll that you gave me on my first Christmas. Thank you.

From, Liana

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have had a grate year! I have been trying to help my M.M. and gramma. I would like a science Kit and chubby puppy and u bunch of stuff animal.

And how are the reindeer? I will leave cookies out for you.

Love Astrid

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? I hope you are good. I want Heelies. I try to be good. Thanks for the presents, Santa.

From, Aidan

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been good this year.

I have tried to be a good friend.

Santa, can I have a Rudolph stuffed animal?

Santa can I have toy horses?

Canta I will bake you tree cookies and carets for the reindeer.

From, Natalie.

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? Myself Julie has been in some funny plays. For Christmas I whunt a blanket that is fuzzy. I will make some sugar cookies for you.

From, Lyndee

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph? Does his nose still work? I have had a good 2018 year, I’ve been good this year. I’ve tried to be a good friend. I would like a real tablet with an SD or SIM card if you can. I’ll save you chocolate chip cookies and Low fat Milk.

From, Cody

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have had a good year. I have been good this year. I like having fun spying on you. May I please have a hoverboard, some LOL dolls, a pikmepop, and skirts for every holiday. I hope you like the cookies and milk. I hope the reindeer like the carrots.

From Raea Hammons

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been working very hard this year. At home I like to feed cows, and at school I have jobs and I’m making friends.

I would like jerky, Reese’s cups, and lots of youtube time, please.

My dad will share his pop and snacks with you when you come to visit.

From Brett

Dear Santa,

How are you? I’ve had a good year. I think I’ve been good but I’ll let you decide that. Oh and Elfy had a sweet tooth.

I’ll go to bed early so Elfy has anough timeto get to the North Pole and back in time. I want a Lefsa kit , a deck of cards, and a foosball table. I’ll go to bed really, really early in Chrsitmas eave so nobody sees you.

From Colter

Dar Santa,

How’s Mis. Claus? I have been good this your. I want Slim Art stuff, American Girl Doll, roler skates, a little backpack for my American Girl doll, and some clothes.

I will mack shure that I will leave cookies for you.

From Dajalin

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