Giving a Gift of life this Christmas

For every pint of blood donated three lives are saved. You can give blood this Christmas on Thursday, December 27 from 1:00- 7:00 PM. To make an appointment, call the American Red Cross at 406-403-0956 or visit and enter the sponsor code; bigsandy.

Fear stops most first-time givers however the process is nothing to fear. According to Rachel Baumgarn Big Sandy's organizer "it isn't as scary as you think it is". All you have to do is make an appointment, bring a photo ID and fill out the paper work. They do check your iron level with a finger prick and if it is too low you can't donate. They ask you some questions and make sure you are healthy by taking your blood pressure and temperature. It takes about an hour for the whole process. If you get on line to register you can use the Rapid Pass paperwork.

Rachel started being the organizer in Big Sandy in 2017, two years ago. Twila Cline asked her to help and she decided it was a great way for her to give back for Hudson who needed blood for his open-heart surgery. Hudson sat at the table with us and wanted to help me write the article so he took notes mentioning at one time he didn't know how to spell people's names. Rachel said it was OK, he could just make X's! Getting back to the subject she said, "It is what I can do to give back. And my father needed lots of blood when he was fighting his cancer." Giving blood is a great way to give life, "You always have blood to give," even though you may not have money to give.

It is recommended you eat soup, sandwiches and cookies after giving blood and at this blood drive the "Quilt Ladies" and the Methodist Women will be serving.

The next Blood Drive in Big Sandy is Feb 27. You can donate every 56 days so you can literally sign up for both. At the time of the writing this article there were still 28 time slots open for the December Blood Drive however. Can you imagine the excitement if 28 first timers called to give blood? This is a wonderful opportunity for first time givers to give the greatest Christmas gift of life.

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