Saturday Night in a Small Town

Sometimes you can hear comments like there isn't anything to do in Big Sandy. This Saturday the opposite was true. It was a full of activities. Starting with Erik Sietsema's Open House- book sale/signing/reading his book at Craig Edwards Gallery. When I walked in to the event his daughter Abbey met me and asked, "How many books do you want to buy?"

Pastor Sean and Vanessa Janssen opened their home for their first Christmas Open House party. When you walked into their home it was incredible the art/craft Vanessa and her children had made. I loved the excitement the children had. I was the first one there, a little early because I had to cover the basketball games too, but the children told me they were going to have a PARTY.

The Chinook Sugarbeeters were in town. Besides four intense basketball games we had the little Pioneers playing at half-time. Some pre-school, kindergarteners and first graders who still don't know anything except the purple team runs and sometimes dribbles the ball in one direction and the gold team runs and sometimes dribbles in the other direction. Dave Louvar helped coach and distribute the ball so everyone got to at least touch the basketball.

During the half-time of the second game the 2nd and 3rd graders played a half-court three on three game. Serena Cator coached and if you watched close enough you could see her laugh. During the game, you can over hear comments like "These are the most fun games to watch."

If sports are not your cup of tea, you can hear the Pioneer Choir, 27 strong, sing to perfection the National Anthem. I love the pep band songs. They play songs I'm familiar with and the music make me want to dance.

During the half-time of the third game Audrey's Little Dancers performed. There were tears, and a delay as one little girl insisted her mother join them and another never got off her mother's lap. But they were so much fun to watch. Make sure and come next time, as these little girls will grow up and impress us with their abilities and we will remember their first public appearance.

For the first time in a long time there are four cheerleaders standing in formation along the back wall. This year the spirit is loud and spirited among the students and it is really fun to watch the entire student body participate supporting each other.

KPQX radio announcer was present at the game. Ron Bruschi has announced basketball games in the area since 1995. He has been announcing games for 24 straight years. He told me when he came to Havre he thought he was only going to stay for 16 months to two years, but here he is. He likes his job and "who wouldn't if your job is watching basketball for a living."

What was really obvious at the basketball games was that Chinook started five seniors on the girls' team and five seniors on the boys' team. We have one senior on the girls' team and none on the boys. We even started an eighth grader on the boys' team. If you understand the desire and the effort our teams play with nothing would keep you from coming to support them.

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