Legislative Information for 2019 Session

Every two years we have an opportunity to participate in state government. In order to contact our legislator’s, we are printing our local Representative and Senator’s contact information. District 27 Representative Joshua Kassmier 406-781-538; and Email address is Joshua.Kassmier@mtleg.gov. District 14 Senator Russel Tempel 406-292-3542 and 406-265-0990; and Email Address Russ.Temple@mtleg.gov.

Here are some bills having to do with agriculture you might want to research; SB 32- Creates stream gauge oversight work group; HB 102- Creates civil penalty for violations of agricultural marketing and transportation; SB 47- Revises laws related to river basin councils; SB 49- Amends method for measuring water for aquifer recharge or mitigation; HB59- Repeal the Rail Service Competition Council; HB 24- Revises irrigation cost deduction for irrigated property; HB 77- Allows Montana Department of Agriculture to handle donations for farm, ranch disasters; HB 51- Repeals the Montana-certified natural beef cattle marketing program; HB 44-Zach Brown-Clarify criteria for water rights change application; HB 45-Zach Brown-Clarify criteria for water right permit relying on waiver of adverse effect; SB 81-Jill Cohenour-Extend deadline to correct an application for water right permit or change; HB 50-Krautter-Provide civil penalty for violations of agricultural commodity laws. This is a bill requested by the Department of Agriculture; HB76-Dudik-An Act expanding the Montana Dept. of Agriculture (MDA) Mediation Services; HB151-Fitzgerald-Increase maximum annual assessment on wheat and barley; HB14-Lynch-Long-Range Building Bonding Program- This bill included many items, but the investment of 2 million dollars targeted for the experiment stations is included; HB58-Zac Brown-Revise report requirement from drought and water supply advisory committee. Currently this committee makes recommendations in April based on many factors like mountain snow pack. The 2017 flash drought prompted this bill to require another recommendation be issued in July; HB144-Redfield-Eliminate certain tax credits. This bill contains a laundry list of tax credits which would be eliminated if passed; SB91-Salomon- Revise weight limit laws for fertilizer. This bill allows haulers of fertilizer to drive exceed the maximum

weight requirements on secondary roads to allow farmers more flexibility and efficiency.

You can go to the internet and visit the mt.gov site. Go to the legislative and you will be able to watch/listen to committee hearings and also the general assembles of the House and the Senate. From that site, you can also send an email to any legislature you would like to communicate with.

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