Legislation News

SB 206- Revise the labeling and marketing of certain ag products. This bill was heard in the Senate Ag Committee.

SB 56- Repeal meat and poultry inspection appeals process.

SB 57- Revise meat and poultry inspection laws in line with federal standards.

HB 381-Revise THC limit in hemp. This bill proposed revising the current THC level from the legally allowed federal level of .3 to 3% which would cause Montana hemp production to be out of compliance with federal law. An amendment has been proposed to tie any increase in the federal limit automatically to the state limit so we may be supporting if it gets amended.

HB 286-Revise water right laws related to state water claims. This bill states that if a water right is created on private property and diverted to state lease land the water right stays with the private property. The DNRC currently claims any portion of water diverted to state land as the water right of the state land.

HB 148-Require 2/3rds of the legislature to enact a new tax or fee or a tax or fee increase.

HB 431-Create farmer loan assistance program by revising GTA (Growth through Agriculture) laws. This program would take $100,000 out of the GTA program and use it for student debt payments for agriculture students wanting to farm or ranch.

HB 365-Use a portion of the bed tax for agritourism grants. If passed, the bill would divert $500,000 from the money that is collected through the bed tax and rather than use the money promoting Montana to potential tourists, it would award the money as loans or grants to brick and mortar tourism projects on farms and ranches.