Cheerleading in BSHS!

After years of no cheerleaders, Big Sandy High School finally obtains a new cheer team! Audrey Sipler, Jozlyn Bauman, Amaya Edwards, Hope Gasvoda and coach Morgan Simpson formed a wonderful cheer team for school support, team spirit, and positive energy around the community.

Throughout the volleyball, football, and basketball seasons, the cheerleaders have worked extremely hard to support the teams and bring spirit to the crowds. The girls would have practices after school where they would make up cheers, learn new tricks, and make signs for the teams. Audrey said how she realized cheerleading and dancing may have similarities, but they are different sports entirely. All the girls miss working after school and getting excited for games to cheer for. They all plan on cheering next year and hope for more students to join the team!

The cheerleaders did a great job during basketball tournaments because they brought lots of positive energy to the crowds. They got everyone cheering and excited for the games. The team and coach Morgan went to the booster club and got granted with money to buy lots of spirit items including glasses, foam fingers, defense signs, T-shirts, and more! All the cheerleaders enjoyed tournaments because they got to cheer with such a big crowd and seeing the other teams' cheerleaders was fun for them.

Besides cheering for the sports teams, the cheerleaders also brought positivity to the community. Audrey taught a dance class for young children and had them perform at a basketball game's halftime, which brought many "awes" to the community. Jozlyn and Audrey also taught themselves a fun, enjoyable dance that they performed during halftimes of basketball games. During the Christmas season the girls taught the basketball boys a dance for halftime that the crowds enjoyed thoroughly. "My favorite part was probably when we did the Christmas dance with the basketball boys" said Amaya.

The girls hope that next year they can have more members to learn bigger cheers and do stunts to get the crowds pumped. They plan on doing fundraisers throughout the year to get new uniforms and other wanted items. Overall cheerleading was an amazing experience and the girls can't wait for next year!

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