Golden Tickets program encourages Good Behavior at School

The grade school students can earn a Golden Ticket Award for positive behavior. The idea comes from the Montana Behavioral Initiative (MBI).

A group of teachers received training and implemented the program this January. It is a proactive approach in creating an atmosphere where students learn how best to behave. It gives support for the behaviors they want to see in the school. The behaviors including how to be respectful, responsible and safe. Heather Wolery, Big Sandy School Principal said, "We teach people to read, so we should also teach them to behave." It started by creating common rules for the playground, busses, class room, and lunch room.

They can earn recognition from anyone anywhere in the school. The librarian has a bucket in his class room as well as the janitor, the cooks, and all teachers can recognize any student. Their name is place in a bucket and with the luck of the draw they can earn an award. All Staff must teach, practice and acknowledge students who are following the school-wide expectations. When their name is drawn they are actually given a golden ticket. They get to choose what reward they want. Some have chosen to work with Charlie Sipler doing janitor work. Others want a popcorn party for their whole class. While other students choose to have hot chocolate with a person of their choice. They can also invite a guest to visit their class.

The goal was to reach 500 acknowledgements. Once they reached that goal they could have music in the lunch room while they were eating. They easily meet that goal and were rewarded with music by Larry Brumwell. Facebook had a video of the grade school kids dancing after lunch.

They are now on to their second goal of 1000 acknowledgements which Heather Wolery said they will reach easily by the end of the school year. "We have great kids!"

Montana Behavioral Initiative mission statement

says, "A children deserve the opportunity to grow up in schools and communities that support them in making healthy choices."

The Initiative belief statements are: "Students should be taught all the skills necessary for success: academic, social, emotional and behavioral. Schools are places where students can learn and practice positive interpersonal, cross-cultural and citizenship skills. A caring school climate and positive relationships between students and staff are critical to student success and provide an environment where academics flourish. Schools are places where youth have access to many significant adults to help them feel collectively and individually valued. Schools and communities must work together to meet the diverse needs of students and honor the traditions and contributions of both family and community members. All students are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Successful schools gather and use a variety of information to improve teaching and learning. Effective use of a team approach involving all school staff working together provides a consistency which enhances student success. Positive, proactive and preventative efforts of schools and communities can create a school climate free of stereotyping, harassment and violence--filled with a concern for justice and fairness."

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