MFU ArrowHead Camp Registration Now Open

Montana Farmers Union Arrowhead Camp in the Highwood Mountains registration opens today. Although you can register until two weeks before the camp starts the Junior Camps for ages 8-12 fill up within 12 days. Each camp has 30 boys and 30 girls, so, if you want your child to attend you will need to act quickly. Junior Camp I, Ages 8-12--June 16-20; Junior camp II, Ages 8-12--June 23-27; Teen Camp I/Senior Camp, Ages 13-19 July 14-10; and Teen Camp II, July 21-26 Ages 12-15.

The theme of this year's camp is Adjust your Altitude. Campers will learn about how to work together, how to develop leadership skills, and how cooperatives work. At this year's camp, they will have the opportunity to fly drones and will learn how to survive in the woods. They'll be making tie blankets and other crafts. The campers go on nature hikes, have a Co-ed education store, water Olympics, and a color run. There are always talent shows, dances, and costume days.

Each year the Mildred Stoltz Award is given to the child that shows leadership and responsibility without being asked. There will also be a Senior Youth Advisory Council and for the first time this year a Junior Advisory Council.

Registration for the 2019 camp season opens April 10. Registering as a nonmember automatically makes you a member of Montana Farmers Union for one year. Registration closes two weeks before start of each camp.

On an interesting note Montana Farmers Union only uses Montana Beef and Montana grown and made bread.

You can contact Violet Green, Youth Education/camp Coordinator for Montana Farmers Union at or Her cell phone number is 406-564-6025 and the office number is 406-452-6406. You may also register on line at Montana Farmers Union.

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