Hunter Safety classes under way

Brad Moore and Dave Schwarzbach are teaching Hunters Safety again this year. Brad said, "We talk about the prevention of hunting accidents which are caused by 99% human error." He absolutely enjoys teaching hunters safety. He started to teach when they moved back to Big Sandy because they needed instructors. Dave Schwarzbach is still teaching as well. I asked Dave how long he has taught and he said, "I don't remember, I'll have to look it up." He called me back and he's taught it for 18 years.

Faith Cator, 10 years old and in the 4th grade told me she took hunters safety because, "If you don't take hunters safety you can't hunt. And I want to hunt a lot of things and you have to take hunters safety to be safe about it. I like wild animals a lot." She especially likes to see them when she goes hiking.

"It's the circle of life. It is a part of life. She doesn't see herself as a vegetarian, "No way I'll never eat vegetables. Unless they are carrots."

"The most dangerous event is caused by turkey hunting. They call the turkey and then someone shoots them because they think it is turkey. Most hunting accidents happen while hunting turkey."

Faith wants her first rifle to be a 243 after a country western song. "My first rifle was a .243

Papa gave Daddy and Daddy gave to me." Faith owns a 22 and a bb gun.

She told me there are four safety rules. She already knows them and she got a survival horn given to them by the Fish and Game.

rules: 1. Treat all guns as if they are always loaded; 2. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.; 3.Keep your finger off the trigger;

And 4. Be sure of your target and what us behind it.

Brad repeated, "It's all about safety with fire arms. They will most likely always be in homes with guns if they live here. The class takes 13 hours before they take the test. The test is harder this year. It's a new test and they have to get 85%.

Brad told me depending on where you read the statistics only 4% of the population hunt, 4% are very against it and 90% don't care. We have to be careful how we present the topic. He's teaching the students to be responsible, respectful and honorable.

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