VFW News The Running Report

District Two Meeting. On Saturday, April 27, thirty-five members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary visited Fort Benton to participate in the 2019 Spring Meeting. Twenty Veterans and fifteen Auxiliary representing eight of the twelve Posts in District Two gathered at The First Christian Church to discuss the future goals of the VFW, conduct District level elections and make nominations for the Department (State) level elections in June.

Speaking of State level, we had the pleasure of hosting the State Commander Joe Fletcher of Great Falls and the Auxiliary State President Jacki Poland of Lambert and Tim Peters, Adjutant/Quartermaster from Helena. These Officers participated in the deliberations and provided a State level focus on important issues.

The meetings adjourned and the group enjoyed a fabulous buffet lunch catered by Dave and Robin Dantz of Elmo’s Bar in Highwood. Following the lunch, a 50-50 drawing and Silent Auction concluded the festivities.

Several members then proceeded to wander the streets of Fort Benton using the Visitors Guides provided by The River Press. Hopefully they visited some or all of the local businesses that contributed to our meeting.

Many thanks to the following businesses; Benton Pharmacy, Lehman’s Hardware, The Nutty Korean, Rivers Edge, River Market The River Press and The First Christian Church for their contributions and support of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and our event.

Some excess desserts, fruits and vegetables were donated to the Senior Citizens at The Bluffs, the County Sherriff Office and The First Christian Church.

Post Meeting. Our scheduled meeting on April 16th didn’t get off the ground due to lack of members. (or interest) Therefore, we had a do over “Special Meeting” on the 23rd with eight members attending.

Post elections went quickly with just one change in the Chaplin position.

Plans for The District Meeting were finalized and agreed upon and amazingly worked as noted above!

Future adventures include a Flag Retirement Ceremony with the Elementary School students and Memorial Day Ceremonies. A time and date for the Flag Retirement has not been established. Memorial Day activities will include assisting the Auxiliary with placing flags on Veteran’s graves and the American Legion and VFW Honor Guards Wreath in the river and Cemetery Ceremonies. Look for more information about these events in future editions of The River Press.

The next scheduled Post meeting is 21 May at 1900 in The Club House.

Post Officers: Commander Bill wood, Adjutant/Quartermaster Marty Havrilla and Services Officer Neil Wynn.

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