Big Sandy High School Awards Banquet a Full Night

The Big Sandy High School awards assembly was held on May 7. A large potluck was set up on three table, and it was almost all eaten by the end of the night. Years ago, when my own children went to Big Sandy High School there was award banquets all through-out the year, celebrating each sport season. Now they holdit on one night and all awards and scholarships are presented.

The evening started with Jessica Jaramillo, BSHS art teacher, presenting the new members of the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. Cameron Schwarzbach, Katheryn Bold, and Alicia Bjornestad were introduced as meeting the criteria of the National Honor Society. They talked about how members are committed to continue to learn, working on their scholastic pursuits. Not only working on their classes but also on how to serve others and their leadership abilities.

Melanie Schwarzbach introduced the 24 students who had participated in Science Olympiad earning them 2nd in state. Five students participated in the science Fair winning a variety of awards already reported in the Mountaineer.

Melanie also announced two Rotary Youth Leaderships (RYLA) camp attendees to Anna Allderdice and Tavie Wortman.

Representing their school and class for one of their last times Melanie Schwarzbach introduced the members of the student Council.

Lindsay Boyce announced the winners of the Constitutional Test winners: Georgia Wortman was awarded $50, Grace Finke was awarded $75, and Tyler Schwarzbach $200. She also introduced the winners of the American Legion Oratorical Contest. Taken second place in the constititutional speech was Alicia Bjornestad receiving $125 and taking first was Katheryn Bold winning $225, going on to districts where she earned a 1st place, before placing 4th at state. Lindsay also announced that Everett Works will be attend the Montana American Boys state as the delegate from Big Sandy.

Amy Sibra announced Lanie Gregory and Amanda Cline will be going to Girls State as delegates from Big Sandy.

Christine Brumwell announced that Alicia Bjornestad won the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Award. Georgia Wortman won KRTV Student of the Week. Tyler Schwarzbach won the DAR Good Citizen Award. Those in almost perfect attendance was Hope Gasvoda who missed only one day, and Amanda Cline who only missed a couple of periods.

The first of the scholarships was presented by Charles Comp with the Big Sandy VFW Scholarship worth $500 that went to Georgia Wortman.

Lindsay Boyce announced the winners of the American Legion Post 50 with $250 to Tyler Schwarzbach, $500 Grace Finke, $1,000 Georgia Wortman.

Rhonda Works announced Jaylyn Cline won a $300 scholarship from the Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation.

Treasure Lodge #95 presented by Terry Grant gave Georgia Wortman a scholarship for $500.

Dan Works presented Jaylyn Cline a $500 scholarship from First Bank of Montana/Fort Benton.

Tyler Schwazbach, Georgia Wortman, and Jaylyn Cline received $500 each from the Bud Gullickson Rotary scholarship.

Joe and Marty Hafliger presented the Elaine Courtnage Memorail Scholarship of $250 each to Jaylyn Cline and Georgia Wortman.

Karen Kibbee presented $500 from Bethany Chapter #42 Order of Eastern Star to Georgia Wortman.

Shannon Green Memorial for $300 was given to Jaylyn Cline by Christine Brumwell

Christine Brumwell presented the following scholarships. Fort Benton Lions Club $500 to Jaylin Cline; Chouteau County Tractor Pullers $1,000 to Georgia Wortman, George and Penny Ament Creativity $3,000 to Jaylyn Cline; Mountain View Co-op $500 Georgia Wortman, Big Sandy Education Foundation Tordik Memorial $1,000 to Georgia Wortman and Tyler Schwarzbach; Little Sharps Rifle $300 to Tyler Schwarzbach; Triangle Communication $1,000 to Georgia Wortman and Tyler Schwarzbach; Grace and Max Clawiter $500 Grace Finke, Helen Wetherbee and Rudy Blazek $800 Jaylyn Cline; Thora Allderdice $800 Grace Finke; Florence & Joseph H. Walters Memorial $800 Tyler Schwarzbach;

Walter Brown Memorial $100 Georgia Wortman; Emma Kulbeck Memorial $1,000 Tyler Schwarzbach; Grosen Family $1000 each to Grace Finke and Jaylin Cline; Darlene Gunhold Memorial $500 Tyler Schwarzbach; Sigurrd Braekkeflat $1,500 to Georgia Wortman; FHA $100 each to Georgia Wortman and Jaylin Cline; Lulu Giebel Memorial $300 to Georgia Wortman; Ralph Schwartz Memorial $500 Georgia Wortman; Mike Richter Memorial $250 Jaylin Cline Alivn & Judy Kober $500 Jaylin Cline, Elks $300 Georgia Georgia; MSU $1,000 each Tyler Schwarzbach and Grace Finke.

Athletic Awards were presented. Volleyball Head Coach Shersteen Cline gave the most inspirational award to Alysia Bjourstead. The Most Improved to Josely Bauman and Amiha Griffth. The Best Offense was given was given to Jaylin Cline. Best Defensive award to Amanda Cline. Most Valuable Player goes to Georgia Wortman. The scappiest Player award goes to Georgia Wortman

Larry Jappe gave the football awards. Most Improved went to Ryan Roth; Biggest Hitter to Brock Proulx; Defensive Player of the Year Clint Darlington. Offence Player of the Year Parker Proulx, and the Most Valuable Player of the year went to Kade Strutz. Brock Proulx and Kade Strutz were all-state selections. Kade Strutz, Brock Proulx, Evert Sipler were selected for all conference player. Clint Darlington, Hunter Jappe, ? Pleninger, Ryan Roth, Cam Schwarzbach, Evert Sipler, Kade Strutz were all state academics

Boy's Basketball awards were presented by head coach Thomas Dilworth. The Defensive Player of the year was Parker Proulx; Most Valuable Player went to Brock Proulx and Jeramie Genereux; and the Leadership Award goes to Ryan Roth. All state Accademic went to Brok Pru and Ryan Roth.

The girls' Basketball Awards were presented by Bailey Gasvoda Big Sandy High School Student Body President. The Girl's Basketball player with the highest 3-point percentage was Lainey Gregory, most rebounds and most free-throws both went to Amanda Cline.

Tucker Taylor introduced and talked to all the boys who went out for wrestling both at the high-school level and junior high level. There weren't very many and he thanked them for working hard and improving.

This year we had a cheerleading squad and they were presented and given letters for Varsity level sports in Cheerleading.

Track isn't over with and their awards will be presented this fall.