Erik Sietsema takes on the "The Great Cycle Challenge"

“This June, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids’ cancer!” says Pastor Erik Siestsema. “Because right now, cancer is the biggest killer of children from disease in the United States. Over 15,700 children are diagnosed every year, and sadly, 38 children die of cancer every week.”

“Kids should be living life, not fighting for it.”

“So, I am raising funds through my challenge to help these kids and support Children’s Cancer Research Fund to allow them to continue their work to develop lifesaving

This is the third year he has done it. His goal is $500 and 300 miles total. He exceeded that last year, and he “hopes to go above and beyond my goal again this year.”

“You look for ways to help out with things like that. It’s something I can do. I enjoy the cycling. The cause is a big deal. I have known children with cancer.”

Cancer is a terrible disease, but it seems worse in children. “If folks you would like to contribute they can contact me through my Facebook page or send a contribution to me at 473 3rd Ave. Big Sandy.

He would also like to find others who would like to bicycle with him next summer. Erik says, “I would love to have others to join me ride bikes for the cause.”

“If you donate to it on Wednesday, the day the paper comes out your donation is doubled.”

“There is only so much you can do.” He says riding bicycle is something he can do. He enjoys bicycling as well so it is a natural fit.

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