Big Sandy Schools Hire Three New Teachers

We have three new teachers committed to coming to Big Sandy to teach.

The new art teacher is Monica Winderl. She has 19 years of experience teaching art. She comes from the Highwood School as they decided to not have art class there anymore. If you have ever looked at the Chouteau County Fair art department or the varies school’s art displays at the fair you have seen her teaching efforts in her student’s lives. I was always impressed with Highwood’s art program.

Dani Norling our 5th grade teacher has moved, but Shelbi Darlington who was our Jr. High Math and Gifted/Talented program teacher is moving to the 5th grade position for the next school year. Kelly Haaland is currently interviewing for her replacement.

Shaela Wallen is our new English Teacher. She received her BA in English from the University of Montana in May 2018. Shaela has been to Big Sandy twice before the English teaching opening, so she knows who we are. She told me she’s been in our stores and has developed friends in the area already.

Timothy Bond is Big Sandy’s new music teacher. He is certified in K-12th grade music. He also has advanced skill in speaking and interpreting American Sign language. Timothy comes from Edwardsburg, MI. Eric and Jessica Sietsema let Timothy know we needed a music teacher, he applied, was interviewed, and will be moving here to continue our excellent music program.

Kelly Haaland has interviewed for the Math/Gifted and Talented position but has not hired.

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