Pioneer Baseball Season: Small Town Success

What defines a small town? Population, number of thriving businesses, or school enrollment? Perhaps a driver passing through would only see the superficial aspect: a town with little more than a main street surrounded by agriculture. However, at the Pioneer Little League games and end of season barbecue, they would have been able to see the small town heart that has truly created this team.

Despite personal or business worries, people of this community donated financially or with their own time. All of these sacrifices were made so that the children of Big Sandy could learn and play baseball. As the kids sat on the bleachers, celebrating the end of their season, one could observe the camaraderie that had developed in these few weeks.

The desperate need for baseball players had created an opportunity for friendships that may not have developed. Kids cheered on their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins during the kids vs. adults game. A feeling of nostalgia hung heavy in the air, accented by the incoming storm. Encapsulated at the baseball diamond was a sense of community, family, and fun. Big Sandy had truly "gone to bat" for these baseball kids.

We cannot end the season without some final acknowledgments. A large thank you goes to the Little League coaches: Kelly McGrath (T-ball) and Ronnie Simpson (baseball). Uniforms were purchased by Agri-Prairie Insurance (hats), The Grocery Store (shirts), BSMC (pants), CHS (pants), and Big Sandy/Benton Pharmacy (socks). All new equipment and fees were sponsored by the Big Sandy Rotary. Concessions were provided by The Mint, Big Sandy Organics, Mimi's Mustard, and the Senior Citizen's Center. The Camp Family and Hair I Am generously sponsored registration and dues for individual children. Without this support, the Little League would not have been able to have its amazing season.

Pioneer Little League is always looking for players and sponsors. If you would like to donate or have a child who is interested in playing, please contact Rachel Baumgarn at 378-2329. Our Facebook page is called Big Sandy Pioneer Little League and more information can be found there. Registration forms will be available next spring at the library and will again go home through the school. Thank you for playing, giving support, and we will see you next year!

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