Dates announced for over-the-counter, surplus and 900 series license sales

The 900-20 Archery Only Antelope licenses were drawn with Deer B and Elk B licenses in mid-July. All other antelope will be drawn on Aug. 8. This delay gives local biologists time to complete antelope population surveys that often don’t even start until mid-July, and then to set the final quotas accordingly.

On Aug. 12, hunters can buy over-the-counter and surplus B licenses (antlerless) for deer and elk. Also, on Aug. 12, surplus general antelope, antelope B and antelope archery 900 series licenses go on sale. The antelope archery 900 season opens Aug. 15. The 900 license allows bowhunters to hunt antelope from Aug. 15 to Nov. 10 in any hunting district starting with 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Surplus licenses are those that remain after Montana’s recent special hunting license drawings. The remaining licenses are sold on a first-come-first-served basis. A list of available surplus licenses for deer B, elk B, 900-20 antelope and special elk permits will be posted on the FWP website at The list of surplus licenses will be updated after the antelope drawing is completed on August 8 with any surplus antelope or antelope B licenses.

These licenses and permits can be purchased online, over the counter or by downloading a paper application (the latter is not recommended due to first-come-first-served basis).

FWP offices open at 8 a.m. on Aug. 12; online sales will begin at 5 a.m. at, and FWP license providers will also have access to the licenses. License providers are listed on the FWP website—click on Hunting and then click License Providers.

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