Green Acres

MSU Agriculture research centers have three test plots for winter wheat in Chouteau County. Research plots are managed by MSU Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center (WTARC) south of the Knees, MSU Northern Agricultural Research Center (NARC) north of Loma and MSU Central Agricultural Research Center (CARC) west of Geraldine. A special thanks to John Miller (WTARC agronomist), Peggy Lamb (NARC agronomist) and Jed Eberly (CARC agronomist) for establishing and maintaining the Chouteau County test plots. The Extension office would also like to thank the Killion family, the McKeever family and the Davis family for donating the use of their land for MSU research.

WTARC (Knees area) top three yielding winter wheat varieties (five-year means) from 2014-2018 include Keldin at 84.8 bushels per acre, SY Wolf at 77.9 bushels per acre and Yellowstone at 76.8 bushels per acre. Judee is the top yielding solid stem sawfly-tolerant variety at 74.6 bushels per acre followed by Warhorse at 69.7 bushels per acre.

NARC (Loma area) top three yielding winter wheat varieties (10 year comp. average yield) from 2009-2018 include Northern at 56.5 bushels per acre, Keldin at 56.5 bushels per acre and SY Wolf at 54.4 bushels per acre. Judee is the top yielding solid stem sawfly-tolerant variety yielding 50.6 bushels per acre followed by Warhorse at 48.7 bushels per acre and Genou at 46.5.

CARC (Geraldine area) top three yielding winter wheat varieties for 2016-2018 were Keldin at 92.4, SY Wolf at 88.6 and SY Clearstone 2CL at 85.3 bushels per acre. Warhorse was the top yielding solid stem sawfly-tolerant variety yielding 75.6 bushels per acre followed by Judee at 73.9 bushels per acre.

In addition, Chouteau County Extension also has NARC (Havre) and CARC (Highwood) variety trial information available upon request. Please contact the Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751 for additional information.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.