Getting By

Chouteau County Chosen for Exciting New Strength Training Study

Chouteau County has been selected as one of six locations in Montana to participate in an exciting collaborative research study, ‘Strong People Strength Training Program: A Community Based Randomized Trial’. In this study, we will be examining the effects of a twice-weekly strength training program on the health, including heart disease and diabetes, as well as the functional fitness of midlife and older adults. We are very pleased to be able to be part of this important research.

Half of the individuals recruited from Big Sandy and Fort Benton will be randomly selected to receive the Strong People Strength Training Program this fall, and the other half of individuals recruited will receive the program in January 2020. This program will meet twice per week, for one hour each time, for approximately 3 months. A class will meet in Big Sandy and another class in Fort Benton. Participants will learn and practice good progressive strength training for improved individual health.

We are seeking men and women 50 and over, who would like to be more active and increase their strength. Participants can earn up to $60 for completing the study, and, will be given blood results and physical activity assessment results after the study ends. To see if you qualify or to learn more about the study, call Janell Barber of Chouteau County Extension at 406-622-3036 or email

Strong People Strength Training is a research study developed and funded by Cornell University. Cornell has partnered with Montana State University Extension Educators to deliver the program at no cost to the community. If the study shows beneficial results, not only will the program be available to the wider community, it will be made available to other rural communities around the nation. Montana State Extension and your community are helping lead the way in what could prove to be a very exciting breakthrough in disease prevention in rural areas throughout the country.

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