Pioneer Fall Kickoff Largest one yet

The second annual Powder Puff football game was a big hit. The mom's and teachers won, making it back to back wins! The new English teacher's speed earned her the nickname "Wheels." I went to a barbeque last night, no one there was at the Powder Puff, and they said they heard I had an excellent game. Our team was very competitive." Another teacher laughed and said, "Welcome to a small town."

Senior, Amanda Cline said, "It was the most fun I've ever had!" One girl said, "Let's just say we found our intensity, and it will translate over to volleyball games."

They served over 250 hamburgers.

Serena Cator, coach of the Junior High track team, introduced the team from last year, as they had not yet acknowledged. Melanie Schwarzbach had already given previous year's track awards at an assembly the first day of school because she knew she wouldn't be at the kickoff. Last year track awards are: Girls MVP Bailey Gasvoda, Boys Jeremiah Genereux, Most Improved Award Amanda Cline and Kade Strutz, Hardest Worker Award Madison Terry, and Rookie of the year went to Erin Taylor.

New head coach Larry introduced the boys' football team. Eighteen boys are going out for football.

Also this year we have a new volleyball coach, Britney McKenney, introduced the girls going out for volleyball. Twenty-three girls are going out for volleyball this year.

Pioneer clothing was sold and ordered. Hair I Am will have some Pioneer clothing; however, this year they are trying something a little different. Lefty's Designs from Fort Benton was at the Fall Kickoff and took orders. The Booster club and Lefty's are working on a new way we can order clothes. In the meantime, she does

have Pioneer designs at her storefront in downtown Fort Benton. Five Heads of Havre also have Pioneer clothes and designs.

The Fall kickoff was a big success for the Booster club. The next activity would be the development of the Birthday Calendars. Kristen Gasvoda is in charge of the Calendars in case you have never been approached and want to be. You may contact the Booster Club at PO Box 444, Big Sandy Montana 59520.

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