Field Day Courses Added for Online Hunter Education Students

Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 4 has added two additional field day courses in September for adults who are looking to complete the state’s online hunter education course.

Both field day courses will be held the same day, Sept. 21. Adult online students can select one of two times either 8 a.m. to noon or 1-5 p.m. The courses will both be at FWP Region 4, 4600 Giant Springs Road, Great Falls.

The online course is available only to those 18 and older. After completing the Internet course, students must take a field day to receive their certification card.

State law says everyone born after Jan. 1, 1985, must take hunter education before he, or she, can hunt in Montana.

Registration is only available to those who successfully complete the online course, and space is limited. For more information on the online course and to sign up for the field day, go to the education menu at the FWP website, then click on Hunter Education Programs, Find A Field Course, and finally go to Sept. 21.