Gear Up for Homecoming 2020- What You Can Do

June 19-21, 2020. The committee chose the theme of “Pioneer Heroes” because we believe that every person ever involved with the school has contributed heroically to something. Or someone. Somewhere. Sometime.

We wish to encourage you to gear up for Homecoming! Dig out your annuals or visit and type “big sandy yearbooks” into the searchbar and remember faces, events and teachers. Then contact those friends and see if they will meet you next June. Some have offered specific help—now is the time to remind us again. Some may think they must live in Big Sandy—not true. We may need “bouncers” at the door for the Saturday night program, “colonels of the urinals” to clean outhouses or someone to keep up the last-minute message boards---and so much more.

It’s time to contact us with ideas of any activities you would like to see happen at Homecoming. The past few homecomings had fun runs, bike races, dance class routines, car/tractor shows, airplane fly-ins, art shows, raffles, basketball tournaments, dunking booths; just naming a few. The schedule needs to be at the book printer in January 2020, so now is the time to plan and contact us.

The deadline is set for memorial pages and advertising. We will be deciding soon whether or not there will be a Saturday night program at the gym. We have been asking for short, written or videotaped memories of someone who was a Hero to you during your school years or even later in their adult life. November 15 is the deadline for those submissions; see the webpage or Facebook page to see ideas and a sample. The program could be so much fun if there is material.

If you are not in the “doing” mode, there are opportunities to donate cash for parade prizes and many other incidental expenses. Our alumni base gets smaller each year but the fun is just as big! Even an ad from a business you work for would be welcome in our 2020 book.

If you have ideas or are willing to plan something, please contact us at or on the Facebook page called Big Sandy Homecoming or drop us a line at PO Box 437, Big Sandy, 59520. The landline phone numbers for each committee couple are listed on the Save the Date card you got this year. If your address has changed this summer, or if you know a non-alumni who may like information, please contact us. The time is now to Gear Up for Homecoming 2020.

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