North 40 To Open at new location

I was invited to go to the sneak preview of the North 40 as a representative of the press. I went because I am a farmer's wife who has discussed numerous times around the dining room table, "I wonder what all will be in the new North 40".

We were met at the door by North 40 Outfitters Community Relations Coordinator Drew Steinberger and by Sales Presentation Manager John Teini. John has worked for 30 years in the farm and ranch industry. Before that, he was born and raised in Roundup and still currently works on the family farm. He does understand the complexities of ranch and farm and knows how we think and do our business. He does care about those who live and work in rural communities.

I was most impressed with the first thing inside the door. It's an extensive customer service desk. They told us it was designed for customers in mind so they could quickly stop and pick up their merchandise. They know online shopping will take place, and it can be delivered to Havre and picked up at the front of the building. They also said that calls could be placed, and they would find the necessary part and have it waiting at the customer service desk. It's called "pick and pull," which he says can be completed within an hour. This impressed me, mainly because we were still harvesting at the time, and I have had my share of parts runs.

I was excited to find they have a large clothing and shoe department. I'm not a label freak, but they listed the brand of clothing in the store, and it was impressive - also racks and racks of shoes plus an area to sit down and try shoes on. Besides the racks of shoes, they also have shoes displayed and in a back room, "just like a real shoe store."

In truth, every department will be enlarged from its current inventory. They did mention they were excited to increase the area for pet food and supplies.

Everyone noticed the cameras at the gun department. They will be selling every gun that is legal to sell.

Behind the gun department is a bow and arrow shooting gallery. Someone had already used it as we saw the results. You can go in there, use one of their bows, or bring your bow and rent some time for practice. They have available a sitting area for families to watch while everyone is shooting.

There is also a community meeting room, where they hope to have educational seminars. It is also open for the community to use for whatever purpose.

As we were leaving, they asked if anyone wanted a special kind of candy. So yes, the candy department will be enlarged as well.

The plan is to open before the end of the year. North 40 will close the Holiday store one day, and open the new store (at the K-Mart location) the very next day. Of course, there will be several weeks before it is all completed. The hours of the new store will be the same as they are now. Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Steinberger said, "We are constantly seeking applications for qualified people who want to do an assortment of jobs." If you are interested, you may apply by going to https.//