Halloween Happenings at BSMC

We are batty for Halloween here at the Medical Center! This is such a fun event for our staff and our residents. We encourage everyone to join us in the festivities.

It all started in early October when the staff began planning their Halloween costumes. It has become quite an inter-department competition over the last few years. This will be the third-annual costume contest within the facility, and everyone is out to get the nursing staff! Each department plans their costumes then on Halloween day we dress to impress the residents. They vote for their favorite, earning the winners a pizza party. Doesn't matter how old you get folks; pizza parties are still worth fighting for! The first annual competition was won by the nursing staff who dressed as Disney Villains. Last year, the nursing staff won it again with a Wizard of Oz theme. Nursing is looking to defend their title, but the competition is stiff! Each department has decided on this year's costume; however, lips are sealed throughout the facility. Secret planning meetings and constant attempts to discover each other's plans have been a daily practice. The anticipation is high!

Lisa Sipler, our Activities Director, also begins decorating in the first week. She pulls out all the stops, and by Halloween, the whole place is decked out. The residents carve or paint pumpkins to be displayed in the facility. Miss Darlington's 5th-grade class also helped with decorations this month. They come to visit the residents periodically throughout the school year. This class has so much fun. They've gone batty too! Our residents love having visitors and the time spent with these kids is such a bright spot in their day. They especially love seeing all the children in their costumes dressed up.

Traditionally, the kids parade in their costumes from the school to the Medical Center on Halloween. The residents are ready and waiting with their bowls of candy for all the trick-or-treaters. Kiddos of any age are welcome to join in the parade; we start at about 4:15 pm. Did I mention the popcorn balls?! Our residents spend an afternoon making about 250 popcorn balls every year. The same recipe has been used for over 20 years now, and it is always a big hit.

We look forward to seeing all the goblins, ghouls and witches; but as a friendly reminder, please wash your hands/sanitize on the way into and out of the facility. If you have a cough or are not feeling well, we ask that you wear a medical mask or stay home. We love to see everyone, but our priority is always to keep everyone healthy.

Please have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone! As always, thank you for being the heart of BSMC.

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