Some of My Favorite Things

I needed to prepare for Thanksgiving for a holiday, which allows us to express our gratitude. Although when asked what we are most thankful for, we always say something like, my family, my health, my home, my job. Ok, those are, of course, what we are all most thankful for, but gratitude should be more profound than that. It should penetrate our lives by the hour. One of the greatest truths I have discovered is you find what you are looking for. I started keeping a gratitude journal; I called my Blessing journal. I had to write five things each day that I was blessed by. The second rule was I couldn't repeat myself. I quickly discovered I needed to be aware of the blessing around me. It's easy for me now because I have taught myself to look for and to be grateful.

You might find some of my favorite things are silly ideas to mention, but they quickly came to mind when I wanted to write a gratitude article.

I am grateful for Paula's Amsbuagh "Mimi's Mustard and Dip, Not too Hot because it's spicing up my life. Ok, it's food, and I like eating different food, but it also reminds me that our ideas, our goals, are worth acting on.

Talking food, I must have been eating again. I love the Olivelle display at Havre's Northern Home Essentials. They have a big display of flavor-infused olive oils and flavored vinegar. You can mix and taste every one. I have often thought it would be a could destination for a girl's night out. It makes me feel like I'm eating unique, expensive foods, that I can't find anywhere in central Montana. It makes me feel rich.

Olivelle was founded in 2006 by a mother and daughter team in Bozeman, Montana. They have over 100 products to taste.

My favorite alone time is going for a walk with a camera because it has taught me to see things differently. The challenge is to find something incredible which I haven't seen before although I've walked the same place many many times. I love creative photographers who take original photos, like the one on the front page of this paper. Craig Edward's work also always inspires me.

I love children's laughter. Who am I kidding? I love laughter. It would be great to have the gift of humor. In fact, I'm looking for someone who wants to try and draw a cartoon regularly for the paper. There is that cartoon of two deer standing by a mailbox opening a letter, and the one deer says, "It's just another thank you from the car repair shop." I've seen that carton so many times, but I always laugh this time of year. Just recently, while I was taking pictures at the football game, the crowd and I laughed together about how hard it was for me to get off the ground.

I am always beyond blessed by my friends who reach out and touch me. Friends that lift me when I need lifting. Do mundane jobs for me! Friends who encourage creativity! Who supports my efforts as I learn.

Last, at least for this article, would be grandchildren's hugs. Oh, what the heck I love hugs.

Be thinking about your favorite things. I might be around to ask you this Thanksgiving season.

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