SN Hunter G. Smoot, USCG Receives Honor

Grandson of Don and Rita Robertson and son and Dan and Penny Smoot, SN Hunter G. Smoot, received the Commandant's Letter of Commendation Ribbon Bar. The operational Distinguishing Device is authorized.

Don Robertson shared with me a copy of the letter sent to SN Hunter Smoot by his Commander Captain, T. J. Barelli U. S. Coast Guard. It was a lengthy letter commending him for his advancement. Noted was his outstanding initiative and professionalism. He was instrumental in the competition of 53 law enforcement missions where countless violations were issued. He navigated the CG-45682 to board a suspect vessel resulting in the apprehension of nine Mexican nationals and the arrest of one smuggles, which later provided critical information used to identify new transnational criminal organizations. Furthermore, on September 2, 2019, his efforts saved three lives and $150,000 in personal property.

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