River Ramblings South

I pray everyone had a Blessed Thanksgiving, as another month slides into the sunsets of times gone. I reflect on reasons to be thankful living here by the beautiful Missouri River. We appreciate being apart of the broader community of Big Sandy. A relevant source of food supplies of grains, beef, and numerous variety of other crops to feed the people in our glorious state of Montana as well as the 50 United States we are proudly apart. God Bless our country, home of the brave and the free! God Bless our veterans and active forces keeping us safe, with freedoms, very few other countries know.

Here on the ranch, we are very aware of military actions, particularly the Air Force and National Guard, as they practice flights, fights, and patterns in the air space above us. We often see flares shooting through the night sky, brilliantly lighting up our world, giving me a start when peacefully doing chores or shutting a gate. Depending on the denseness of the night air, it is possible not to hear the plane engine as the flares shoot off, giving you the feeling of something alien in our air space. Ron has found himself an unknown target for a dive bringing the plane soaring close over the tractor he is intently driving. It makes him feel like he has a serious engine or tractor problem until the shadow of the plane zooms over, and he has a close-up view of the pilot, most likely laughing to himself. It is funny to watch the guineas and chickens when these giant birds fly over. They become very silent, tilting their heads to eye the sky to see what creature may be coming in to attack them.

Our daughter, Raynee, has been working in the corral or riding peacefully moving cows when she will hear distant engine noise, then zoom, the plane flies low with a friendly salute from the pilot. It is incredible how fast they are moving and how distinctly visible the pilot is! My Mom always said the planes vibrated the dishes in her cupboard as they flew over the old ranch house.

We have seen and heard huge transport helicopters practicing their mission, making a loud Thwump, Thwump noise so distinct to their rotors. Or dog fights amongst 3 or 4 planes, shooting flares or dodging the friendly enemy. Also, it could be one plane doing target practice and maneuvers with visuals on the hay meadows or hillsides. It is incredible to witness the size, precision, and roar of the powerful engines as the planes cruise across our place. I am grateful we are not the specific target for these military planes but know when they are needed, they will get the job done!

Even in this isolated neck of the woods, we hear the big jet engines roar and see their reflection in our peacefully flowing waters. It makes our family contemplate and appreciate what our country and the military men and women go through to keep all the United States safe and free. And so, it goes here by the river.