Green Acres

Beef Nutrition Workshop in Valier

MSU Extension Pondera County Extension is hosting a Livestock nutrition workshop

at the Valier Civic Center on December 21.


1:00 - 1:30 - Registration

1:30 - 2:20 - What’s in Your Bale by Adriane Good (MSU Extension Pondera County).

2:30 - 3:20 - Protein and Energy Supplementation Strategies by Dr. Megan Van Emon (MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist).

3:30 - 4:20 - Developing a Mineral Strategy That’s Right for Your Ranch by Dr. Carla Sanford (MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist).

For questions about the seminar, Please Contact Adriane Good at the Pondera County Extension office at 406-271-4054.

Livestock Classes at Next Generation Conference in Shelby

Livestock classes will also be offered at Shelby High School on Saturday, February,

1st, 2020. Please google Montana’s Next Generation Conference for further information

on other classes offered and pre-registration information.


8:45-9:45 - Livestock Marketing by Rocky Forseth from Allied Genetic Resources Superior Livestock Marketing.

10:00-11:00 - Fetal Programming by Dr. Carla Sanford (MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist).

11:15-12:15 - Introduction to Beef Cattle Nutrition by Dr. Carla Sanford (MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist).

1:15-2:15 - Beginning Vet Topics by Dr. Steven Hjartarson from Northern Vet Clinic.

2:30-3:30 - Advanced Vet Topics by Dr. Steven Hjartarson from Northern Vet Clinic.

3:45-4:45 Introduction to Bull Selection and EPD’s by Kari Lewis (MSU Extension Glacier County).

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