4th Annual Big Sandy American Legion Coyote Derby

This year we kicked off the 4th Annual Big Sandy American Legion Coyote Derby with 25 teams. Despite terrible wind and warmer weather the first day, we had 78 coyotes brought in. By Sunday night, teams killed a total of 183. There are a few less coyotes around going into calving season and I know our local landowners are appreciative.

The Diamond 4 U Club was the host bar. The following were sponsors this year: Tilleman Ag, Montana Outfitting, D6 Guns, Allan Peterson of the AG Ranch, Primos Hunting, Havre Distributors, The Mountaineer, Lodestar Land & Home, Stockman Bank, Chase Hill Outfitters, Leon's Buy and Sell, Torgerson's, AgriPraire Insurance, The Grocery Store, Hi-Line Rental, Frontline Ag Solutions, Erickson Insurance Group, Shanty Bar, Napa, Rod's Drive-In, Spike Bar, Havre Ford, Pacific Steel, The Mint Bar, 406 Processing and Taxidermy, Ma's Loma Café, Western Trailer, Holden's Hot Wheels, Red's Auto, Golden Harvest, Big Sandy Pharmacy, CHS, Kracklin Kamut, and Peps.

Matt Feuerhelm of Matt's Electric, Heating, and Air Conditioning comes all the way from Ellsworth, Wisconsin and has been participating in our coyote derby since we started. He has gone above and beyond in his support of our fundraising efforts.

Ophus Auctions let us use their sound system and Shane Ophus did an awesome job of auctioneer during the Calcutta on Friday night. There are many volunteers that come together to put our coyote derby together.

We raised over $6000 this year. The Big Sandy American Legion gave away $2,700 in scholarships in 2019 to Big Sandy High School Students for a total of $8,100 since we started. We have also continued to make contributions to the Columbia Falls Veterans home as well as purchased new uniforms for the American Legion Honor Guard. The money raised goes back to the Big Sandy American Legion Post and will continue to be used for the scholarship programs we have created as well as any local veterans in need.

3rd place in the Calling Contest won $250 and went to Brandon Stahl, Brianna Brock, Ben Richmond, and John McMaster with 7 coyotes. 2nd place won $750 and went to Pete Sura, Cory Brothers, Paul Sura, and James Curtis with 14 coyotes. And 1st place won $1,500 and went to Eli Hinebaugh, Kody Nystrom, Garrett Powell, and Tanner Pronto with 20 coyotes.

3rd Place in the open class won $196 and went to Jackson Boese, Kylor Vallie, Kelsey Kassmier, and Travis Kassmier with 27 coyotes. 2nd place won $588 and went to Casey Clark, Blaine Juedeman, Dawson Baron, and Tristen Clark with 30 coyotes weighing 768.4 pounds. And first place won $1,176 and went to Levi Beirwagen, Gene McCommon, Tyce Bahnmiller, and Tarz Richards with 30 coyotes weighing a total of 779.6 pounds.

Calling Team 2 won the porcupine side pot of $206.25 by bringing in 10 porcupines.

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