School Board Approve Flooring, Special Education Changes, Coaches and Girls Wrestling

During the discussion Kelly Haaland reported on the on-going maintance of the FE Miley flooring in the lunchroom, multi-purpose area. They would like to get that flooring done right after school is over so it can be ready to use it for homecoming. The cost is $26,000, which included removing asbestos flooring and the cost of disposing of the asbestos. The board approved the new flooring.

There was a second maintenance project discussed, which would take the elementary stage out, and create a storage room for the cost of $6,000. This project was tabled to allow board members to view the problem storage area.

Kelly Haaland reported that the Havre schools got a computer virus in their system, which shut down the entire system. He reminded everyone: Don’t keep your passwords on your computer desktop. It was most likely from Russia or Korea.

Under new business Mayor, Shaud Schwarzbach and former board member Diana Labuda present a brief PowerPoint concerning another attempt to raise funds for a Big Sandy pool. The project will return to the city council for further discussion.

Amy Terry, Special Educational professional and second grade teacher at the FE Miley, presented a proposal concerning meeting the needs of the students at the elementary school. Currently, F.E. Miley Elementary has 13 students with IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) 3 of these students are high needs, and 2 require one on one paraprofessionals. These numbers are only going up next year.

In serving those 13 students, there are a total of 4,220 instruction minutes per week, which breaks down into 70 hours a week or 18 hours a day. This does not include study hall minutes or time spent having tests read to them in the resource room. This consists of both replaced reading and math classes, as well as, writing, social skills, and behavioral instruction. Our 13 students are all working at different levels with different needs.

In the last hour of the day, there are 1-7 students in the resource room working on various assignments and projects at all different levels and subject matter for study hall or just to get caught up. Title 1: These are the students that need support or have holes in their skills that need to be filled, but do not qualify for Special Education. We have 7-8 students that would qualify for this program. Others: We also have students that are not served by the special education program but have behavior plans that she has developed with the classroom teachers.

Amy Terry recommended a change for next year’s special education. She would become the Special Education and Title I teacher only. Amy would be teaching replaced classes, supporting our teachers in the classroom, working on some social/emotional and social skills training with Special Ed. and Title students. She would have scheduled weekly contact time with each student, as well as being able to spend more time in the classrooms observing and problem-solving with teachers. Amy would also be evaluating students for Title I qualification and setting up plans and programs to fill holes and help some students catch up and progress. The board approved the idea.

The board then discussed a variety of athletic coaches. Recommendations were made for coaches and volunteers. The board must approve all individuals involved with

any sports program. The following coaches were approved. For Varsity Track: Melanie Schwarzbach Head Coach, Assistant - Shersteen Cline; Junior High Track Coach - Serena Cator; Volunteers for track--Charlie Klimas and Bernie Ellingson. Assistant Volleyball Coach Shandell Sando and Junior High Volleyball Coach: Shersteen Cline. Head Football will be Coach Larry Jappe; Assistant Football Coach is Tucker Taylor. Last year both Larry Jappe and Tucker Taylor did the Junior High Football program. They want to do the same thing next year. Head Coach for both boy and girls Pioneer Wrestling is Tuck Taylor. Volunteer for wrestling is Kyle Rodewald. This year’s 5th and 6th-grade boys Basketball Coach is Brittany Sherbern. The 5th and 6th-grade girls Basketball coach is Serena Cator.

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