International Women's Day, March 8

This past Sunday was International Women’s Day and this article is basically an appreciation entry for all the Women who have positively affected this town, this state, this country and the world. Firstly, I would like to thank the wonderful women in my family for shaping me into the man I am today. My Mother, a.k.a Lisa Grasdock Genereux,has one of the brightest and kindest souls I will ever encounter in my lifetime and she did not teach yourselfAll these traits, she learned them from her mother. Her mother, Vera Norris Grasdock, is a graceful woman who will always do whatever she can to spread her love to us grandkids. Going to Grandma Vera’s house has always been a treat for me because her house is one story and is very cozy. We always went out for holidays too, so every time I walked through the door into her house, I knew I was going to be getting some delicious food. And the occasion also brought some more of my family to my Grandma Vera’s house. During multiple Thanksgivings and Christmases, my Aunt,Darlene Hutchinson Grasdock, and my cousin, Alexis Grasdock, would also join the group. It would always bring a little more joy because when there is more family, the better the memories will be. Darlene met my uncle through the military, so I already know that Alexis will grow up to be a strong, independent woman herself. Both of them are awfully kind too, so I am always happy to have their company. My other Aunt, Cinda Genereux Pearson, is a very intelligent and kind woman who is also very supportive of her nieces and nephews. She gained her wonderful personality through her fantastic mother, Deanna Hurd Genereux. Grandma Dee has such a vibrant and fun soul that will fill any room up with good energy. She is always looking to have fun with her family and she is always looking to make sure her grandkids are doing the same. I would also go to my Grandma Dee’s house to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas. Spending time with the Genereux family is the best, as a majority of my family is Genereux. We live up to our name as many of us are very generous to each other. Through the Genereux side I get to spend time with lovely family members such as the Clarks, which include my cousin Shalayna Pearson Clark who is the mother of Alexis, Kara, Kylie and Cambri Clark. I get to spend time with the Hills, which include my cousin Shawn Generuex Hill who is the mother of Sharlise Genereux Hill. I get to spend time with the Zooks, which include my Aunt Theresa Genereux Zook who is the mother of Sage Zook. I get to spend time with the Gileads, which include Kirsten Gilead Genereux who is the mother of Aidreannaka and KeyaHwnna Gilead. And how could I forget my two outstanding siblings of mine, Jasmine May and Josalynn Rose. These two will be the biggest friends of mine for the rest of my life.

Family is everything and it will always be forever and always, love you guys.

Secondly I would like to thank the women of my home town, which include friends, mothers, classmates, teachers, coaches and bosses for influencing me to be a better person overall. Without any of you in my life, my life would be completely different. All of you are pieces to my puzzle of life, so you all have the same amount of importance.

Lastly, I would like to give some appreciation to the female role models of the world throughout history. Whoever your role model may be as a female, I would just like to acknowledge the importance of that person. We all grow and develop looking up to someone, so to all the Women that have impacted my life to this day, I can say that you have all had amazing role models. And with all of this said, I would like to end with this: Never change.

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