Shaud Schwarzbach First Bank's New Loan Officer

Shaud Schwazbach is First Bank's new loan officer. Shaud said, "The community has been very supportive so far, so that's awesome." It's been several years since a Big Sandy bank has had anyone, locally, who was a loan officer.

April 2, was his first day. He said, "It was surreal. This whole process has been eye-opening and surreal. I have always considered myself a loyal person, so it took something special for me to consider making this move." Shaud started his banking career with US Bank, where he worked for eight years before he went to Farm Credit Services for 13 years.

"Growing up here and being in this bank since you've been 4 or 5 years old, and now you are here, hoping to make a difference in this community. And with my mayor role, it all ties in together." It has always been something he believed in. You try to help the people of the community where you live. "To do what I can. It kind of grows on you and after 20 years (of being in the banking business) to be able to come back home and to do what I've done with my career. It is kind of rewarding."

We talked about how First Bank is a very community-minded bank. Over the last few months, he has been working with Dean Comes, President of First Bank. Dean asked Shaud to hang with them while they were moving in, so he got to know how the bank responds to a community. "It is defiantly the focus of the company. It isn't just a slogan that they are community-minded. You could tell by the atmosphere that it is people minded."

The first responsibility Shaud will have is to help with COVID-19 emergency loans and grants from the Small Business Bureau. He has done very little with Small Business loans; however, "Dean has done countless hours on different calls learning how we are supposed to handle this. We want to help the business make it through this time. We are going to learn together how to do one of the two loans."

As mayor, he also hopes the community would take the precautions needed turning this time.

"Kudos to the business, they have stepped up. And immediately did what needed to be done."

The city council wants everyone to know they have the medical centers back." We need to be fully supportive of them in that process. " As mayor he said, "If we think we're so special that COVID-19 isn't going to find its way here, we aren't realistic. Our medical center is awesome, but if it is something serious, it has to go down the road. It's not just about individuals, but about their neighbors."

"Honestly, at first, I thought it was a little out of whack, being pushed a little too much, but I can say I was wrong. The President, who has complete access to all the information, he's a businessman, he isn't going to shut down a multi-trillion-dollar economy unless it is something super serious."