Pioneer Heros Homecoming Postponed till 2021

Reset the date for Homecoming on your calendars to June 18-20, 2021!! The committee has decided to postpone the gathering planned for this summer and give you all an extra year to pack your suitcases, get to the airport, or set the GPS for Big Sandy. We have been hosting phone video meetings to discuss this topic and decided that next summer will give us all time to readjust to the effects of a global pandemic.

Right now we are contacting those who have planned functions to coincide with Homecoming this year, and are asking them to consider holding over to next summer. Committee members are also touching base about some of the contracts planned for this year: rentals, music, catering, printing—and hoping they will work with us for next summer. We will rework our logo just a bit, then send out another save-the-date mailing in the near future; so if any mailing addresses have changed in the last few months, please get them to us. We also put a halt on the book so we should be able to make a couple tweaks with dates before we ask them to hit the print button next spring.

The school let us print a lovely tri-fold registration that was supposed to go into the mail at the beginning of April, but we held onto it when all the quarantine mandates started surfacing. We each have a big box of neatly folded, but now unusable, paper forms for our summer campfire-starting fuel!

The school may host an on-line voting forum for the Homecoming King and Queen so that the Senior class can have a voice in that decision—if school does not resume this semester. There will be other things that we haven’t completely sorted out yet but we will continue on with our sights now fixed on Pioneer Heroes Homecoming set for June 18-20, 2021. Please follow the latest updates on our website at or our Facebook page at Big Sandy Homecoming.

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