The school will continue to be closed

The school board voted to keep the school closed and continue online learning for the rest of the school year.

In the interest of transparency, I will be quoting from the Big Sandy School district COVID-19 Emergency Policies as voted on. Please note these are not minutes just a quick update of the decisions of the Board concerning further education and educational activities at the Big Sandy School.”

“The Board of trustees and its staff are operating under unusual, even unprecedented circumstances by virtue of the declaration of a statewide emergency by the Governor and the executive orders related to school closure to address concerns from the COVID Virus and/or the declaration of an unforeseen emergency (community disaster) made by the Board of trustees. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Trustees has found it necessary to adopt temporary policies related to emergency school closures, the ongoing provision of educational services to students, meetings of the Board, gatherings on school property, health and safety of students, staff and community members, human resource matters and budgetary policies into a temporary chapter.” With that introduction, they continued through the wide variety of policies required to continue school learning.

Discussion and eventually, the passing of Emergency Policy and Procedures Policy 1901 was held.

Alternative Grading—Policy 1902 was discussed at length. It was finally approved. “Teachers will grade students as usual in accordance with established classroom or course practices during the grading period in accordance with District Policy 2420 and the Employee Handbook.”

“The default option for students and parents/guardians is the grade typically assigned for students in the grade level or class, which may include an A-F letter grade. Students and parents/guardians may choose to receive a Proficient/Fail or P/F grade in place of a grade typically assigned for the student’s courses. The P/F grade option can be requested by a student and parents/guardians no later than 5 (five) calendar days after report cards have been sent to the parents/guardians by submitting a written request to the Principal.”

“For students or parents/guardians who request a P/F grade, the school district will record the P/F grade; the School District will record the P/F designation using a rubric in which all grade of 60% or higher earn a Proficient in accordance with District Policy 10005FE, the School District’s COVID-19 Plan of Action as submitted to the Office of the Governor and/or while emergency declarations relating to COVID-19 are in place.”

School District Meetings, Gatherings, Events, and Visitors Policy 1903 says the school requires the school to abide by social distancing. In Phase 2, we will be allowed to have 50 folks for graduation. There will be a school board meeting on Tuesday to finalize plans for graduation prior to the printing of this newspaper. The policy reads, “The School District shall provide suitable space for physical distancing to occur and, if practicable markings and walking routes in the area where the even shall be held to preserve a safe event setting.”

“Vulnerable individuals (defined by the Centers for Disease Control at the time of this policy’s adoption as those age 65 or older or those with serious underlying healthy conditions, including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and those who immune system is compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer and other conditions requiring such therapy) must NOT attend School District meetings, gatherings, or events held in accordance with this policy. Precautions must be taken to isolate from vulnerable residents. The School District shall accommodate vulnerable individuals so they may participate in the meeting gathering or event via electronic means.” Big Sandy will have graduation free on the internet for anyone who wants to watch and cannot attend or wants to stay safe.”

The Board also approved the Use of Transportation Funds During Periods of Emergency Declaration

Policy 1904, which would allow them to use transportation funds for a variety of purposes.

Policy 1905 was Student, Staff, and Community Health and Safety, and the Board chose option one, which just stated they would have 6-foot distancing. It discussed cleaning and Disinfection, Student Arrival, Temperature Screening, Healthy Hand Hygiene Behavior, Vulnerable Individuals, food Preparation and Meal Service, transportation Services, Public Awareness, Confidentiality, and Transfer of Funds for Safety Purposes.

Policy 1906 was about different audit options.

Policy 1907 was another Declarations of Emergency to allow the school to continue legally.

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