Big Sandy Booster Club Meeting

The Booster Club met for the first time in four months. The essential discussion was probably the call to parents who care about their children's activities to get involved in supporting those activities. This Booster Club is like no other Booster Club. Usually, Booster Clubs are included only in high school sports activities. The Big Sandy Booster Club supports both grade school and high school activities, including all extracurricular activities, not just sports.

An interesting fact is that the Booster Club is made up primarily of Big Sandy transfers. They would love to see more alumni to be involved with student activities.

Rich Jesperson volunteered to be the new Membership Committee Chairman.

One of everyone's favorite is the Community Birthday Calendars. If we are going to have one next year, we need a volunteer to step up and take responsibility as the current chair is stepping down from that task.

The elementary basketball courts are entirely funded. They need to find a contractor with the time to make them.

The elementary school sign will be up this summer.

A new vice -president, and treasurer, will be voted on in September.

The next school year starts on August 19. The booster club is researching and considering: Shoulder Pad hangers; Padding behind the basketball hoops in the Big Sandy High School gym

The Booster Club also considering the necessity of bathroom signs at the football field.

The MSHA Hall of Fame presentation for Duane Olson is still on hold. As soon as plans are made, they will be considering what they can do to give him the deserved recognition.

The next meeting for the Big Sandy Booster club will be on July 7, join them.

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