COVID-19; How to open high school gym

A number of gyms and businesses are reopening and there is a discussion on why the high school gym cannot be open to the public. The following is from a letter from The Chouteau County Environment Health Guidance letter for re-opening.

All Phases:

Employee Health-Health assessments should be conducted for all employees at beginning of each shift including keeping a log of temperature checks at the beginning of each shift of less than 100. Employees who have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath need to be sent home until symptoms are resolved.

Phase 2 started June 1, 202 with the following statements. Gyms contribute to the health and wellness for many Montanas. In the event a confirmed COVID-19 case is assoiciated with a facility, the facility should be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with the CDC's facility environmental cleaning procedures for workout areas, seating, and other areas of establishment frequented by students.

• Only student and staff may use the facility, no adults or walk-ins. This will be strictly enforced.

• Facility must have a dedicated staff member available during operating hours to wipe down frequently touched areas on a regular basis and monitor gyms zones to ensure that users are wiping down equipment properly.

• Train staff on protocols, cleaning symptom awareness and proper handwashing technique. Keep a log acknowledging education completed and understanding of information.

• Signage must be posted with the following or substantially similar wording; 'Patrons with fever, shortness of breath, a cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms must refrain from using the gym.' Signs shall be positioned for effective visual observation by gym guests, such as at the gym doors.

• Assigned staff should track and log occupancy daily to ensure facilities stay at or below 10-person capacity in Phase 1 (75% operating capacity in Phase 2). Log will be made available to the Chouteau County Health Department for review in the event of an outbreak to track cases."

• Hand sanitizer must be made available in the gym and at stations throughout the workout area.

• Approved sanitizer for cleaning equipment after use must be provided at stations throughout the workout areas along with disposable towels. Reusable towels shall not be used to clean equipment.

• Post signs throughout workout area reminding patrons to wipe equipment after each use.

• Masks should be worn by all staff and masks are encouraged to be worn by patrons when possible.

• Six-foot distant should be maintained between equipment Cardio studios should limit guest to every other piece of equipment to achieve this.

• Patrons using free weights shall maintain six feet of separation except when a spotter is

• No food is allowed. Must bring own water bottle for personal use and no sharing is allowed.

• Locker rooms will be closed.

• No congregating in school, halls, weight room or gym is allowed.

• Gym may only be opened during the assigned time and must have staff supervision during all open hours.

• After closing the facility must clean using an EPA approved disinfectant. The facility must develop a check list to ensure that no equipment is being missed during disinfection. Checklist should include large items, such as treadmills and smaller items, such as weights and bands.

• Frequently touched surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized regularly throughout the day and disinfected each night after closing.

• Indoor group classes may not be offered.

• Alternatively, group classes may be offered outdoors with strict adherence to social distancing guidelines and should avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people in Phase 1 and 50 people in Phase 2 in circumstances that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing.

• Additional time between group classes outdoors must be provided so that a designated gym employee can disinfect any equipment and other cleanable surfaces before the next session begins.

• Failure to comply with these rules will result in the health department closing the facility due to the increased risk to the health and safety of our community.

Rendered 03/07/2025 03:20